
« オシャベリDAY♪ | メイン | 最後のお弁当☆ »

2012年2月20日 (月)


毎朝冷えますが 子供たちは 元気いっぱいですhappy01

朝も 息を白くして オシャベリしながらの登校school

少しだけ寒さが緩んだ帰り道も 逞しく氷の道を歩いて帰りますsnow

今の小学生は 色んなカラーのランドセルなんですね

次から次へと 可愛いお子ちゃま達が ココを通りますnote

私はというと・・けっして怪しい者ではありませんが ココで お子ちゃまたちの観察heart02 

いえいえsweat01 そうじゃなくって~~人を待っている間 メールの返信やmobilephoneをしてました。

そして ふと視線を感じ、横を見てみると~~~

おおーーーっ、誰もいないと思ったら ココにモンスターカジカジがいたぞsign01

って、そこには 見るからに低学年のお子ちゃまがいましたchick

えっ?? カジカジって・・・・??

近くを見ても 誰もいないし、あきらかに 私の事??

ついに やってきたなぁ~~モンスターカジカジsign01

トーーーっfoot とりゃ~foot
って キックのマネで威嚇され・・・

そして、私も pigそうだぁ~dash 私が カジカジなのだぁ~なんて 少しの間 遊んでました(笑)


pigさらばじゃ~~チビッコhappy01/って言ったら 泣いちゃいましたshock

誰かが見たら まるで私がいじめたみたいsweat01

その後、少しだけお話しをしたら 泣き止んでくれて



移動中、とってもキレイな夕陽を見て 感動しましたshine

写真で見るより ずーっと美しいlovely

車を止められる所に着いた頃は 随分と太陽が沈んでましたけど~~sweat01

線香花火の先っちょみたいに 真っ赤で丸い太陽が 最後は ポトっと落ちちゃったようでしたhappy01

何人の方が 今日の夕陽をみたのかなぁ~






くみさん、こんにちは! モンスターカジカジ、どういう意味~?? せめて、ビューティフルクミクミとかにしてもらいたいよね!!shine いっつも不思議に思うのですが...。 携帯メールを打つときは、どんなにやっているんですか??flair 手袋だと打ちにくいし、素手だと悴んで...。sweat01 釧路の夕陽、めっちゃ綺麗ですね♪

カジカジって、なに? 相変わらず美しい夕日! いつか絶対に本物を見なくちゃね!

同じく・・・・・     カジカジ

Marcy さまribbon モンスターカジカジ。。。分からないんです アンパンマンやポケモンに出てくる 悪いやつだったらどうしましょsweat01 うっ、またまたMarcyさんの言葉で木に登りそうですよpig 最近は 勘違いから とっても木登りが上手くなりました(笑) メールは 基本”素手”ですよmobilephone 私は、ゴム手や手袋が苦手なので いつも手が悴んでますsnow こちらは 悴んだ手で打ってる人が多いと思いますよ なので とっても時間がかかります(^^;) 

ぐうたらmama さまribbon カジカジ・・・私にもさっぱり分かりません きっと 可愛いキャラクター?って思う事にします(笑) 夕日、ホントにキレイで感動しますよsunshine また 直行便があるといいですねairplaneheart01

れいねー さまribbon ナゾの”カジカジ”。。。 おそらく~~正直なチビッコは 女神のような人の事を そう呼ぶのでしょうか(笑) 私って、スゴイ妄想力

Template Galleries give you easy, organized access to a wide range of online and custom templates and recently opened documents.

With so much recent media emphasis on musician-endorsed headphones, a well-conceived, reasonable set, sans the megawatt thrills, can slip off the radar all too easily. If you're an aesthete on a budget, consider checking out Urbanears, a headphone line popular at Urban Outfitters, which (literally) offers a lot of bang for your buck. This season the brand expands its audio range, with an eye towards high style and customization. Available in five models and over a dozen hues (including the latest options: cream, grape and sage), the latest Urbanear models stand out visually, thanks to their vaguely Scandinavian, modern and minimal design. Priced from $40-70, they are quite recession-friendly.

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Audio Aesthetics: Urbanears' Colorful, Affordable Take on Beats By Dre

Rich presence and on-the-spot communication lets you instantly connect with your contacts without leaving your work. Presence and communication are available while

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Audio Aesthetics: Urbanears' Colorful, Affordable Take on Beats By Dre

Il nuovo modello e ispirato agli occhiali per alpinisti degli anni Cinquanta, che erano caratterizzati da lenti tondeggianti e montatura in metallo con elementi in pelle per la massima protezione contro la luce.

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Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Go to $125 Million, Says Forbes

Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Check out $125 Million, Says Forbes

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including any kind of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could eliminate her No. 1 spot.

Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Check out $125 Million, Says Forbes

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

The TV mogul covers the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list for any fourth time, but her reign is at risk of coming to an conclude.

Forbes calculated upfront fork out, profit participation, residuals, endorsements and advertising work to ascertain its rankings. For the complete number, click here.

PHOTOS: Oprah Through the A long time

Rounding out the prime five was Dr. Dre, who earned $110 trillion. Last year, HTC paid $300 million for the 51 percent stake inside record producer's Beats by means of Dr. Dre headphones company, which he co-founded with 2006 with Interscope primary Jimmy Iovine.

Rounding out the leading five was Dr. Dre, who earned $110 trillion. Last year, HTC paid $300 million for the 51 percent stake within the record producer's Beats through Dr. Dre headphones company, which he co-founded with 2006 with Interscope key Jimmy Iovine.

Many shifts, little time

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

Rebecca Soni looks out from the sidebar of the Swimming World homepage. She's got her hands on her hips, wearing a black racing suit with Arena written in bold across her chest. She's arguably the most visible Arena-sponsored athlete in the United States, with two gold medals and two world records from the London Olympics.

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.

The fact that it's possible to do the latter marks a tremendous change from even a decade ago. Looking back, it would have been difficult to imagine building a digital-only brand. But this is possible today, by cultivating fans that feel an emotional connection with--and eventually love for--your brand. This is what is takes to drive people to buy a product, come back for more, and tell their friends about it. The old strategy was to broadcast your message to a mass audience through print ads, billboards, or high-priced Super Bowl commercials. Increasingly, consumers are looking to their peers to guide their purchasing decisions, and traditional advertising is being supplanted by more organic modes of communication--word of mouth, social media, and any number of blogs and content sources.

“They are very sensitive about design and quality, are highly sophisticated users of technology, and insist on the very best safety standards. As an entirely new brand, we have the advantage of being able to focus our efforts, without compromise or distraction, on meeting the demands of these customers.”

It was big news when Arena landed its exclusive apparel sponsorship deal with the National Team. But perhaps it was blown out of proportion because, really, Arena has always been around. Executives were waiting for the right market opportunity. USA Swimming ending its exclusive sponsorship deal with Speedo was that opportunity.

The fact that it's possible to do the latter marks a tremendous change from even a decade ago. Looking back, it would have been difficult to imagine building a digital-only brand. But this is possible today, by cultivating fans that feel an emotional connection with--and eventually love for--your brand. This is what is takes to drive people to buy a product, come back for more, and tell their friends about it. The old strategy was to broadcast your message to a mass audience through print ads, billboards, or high-priced Super Bowl commercials. Increasingly, consumers are looking to their peers to guide their purchasing decisions, and traditional advertising is being supplanted by more organic modes of communication--word of mouth, social media, and any number of blogs and content sources.
