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2012年2月19日 (日)


今日は 日曜日

ノンビリ過したい気持ちは 満々だけれど~~

本日、クレインズのレギュラーリーグの試合が最後なので またまた行ってきましたhappy01

今日は 友人ちゃんがお迎えに来てくれるってことで 超ラクチンnote

しかし、駐車場からリンクまで ホントにホントに寒かったぁ~sweat01


なのに 友人ちゃんは タイツ4枚重ねのスカート姿shock


今日も指定席だったので ジュースを買いに行くのも なんせ遠いdashdash

たっくさ~~ん歩いて イイ運動になりましたpigfoot

ピンボケで とっても見にくいのですが 真ん中あたりにいる マスク&帽子姿の怪しい二人組み・・

これって たぶん、うちの母上と叔母さんですflair

対角線上の席なので めちゃくちゃ遠いのですが すぐに分かりましたhappy01

それにしても~~まるで これから銀行強盗にでも行きそうなカッコですよね(笑)

今日の試合で勝利すれば プレイオフ進出でしたが 残念ながら ラストは勝ちではありませんでしたdespair

友人ちゃんと私、今回は 選手のベンチ裏の席という事で 最初は静かにしていましたが~~

後半は 諦めないで~~sign01 行け行け~~sign01 粘って~sign01 シュートsign01sign01

大きな声を出しすぎた私は 途中で”クラっ”と しちゃいましたdespair(笑)

今日、一緒に行った友人は 長男同士が同じ学校だったり 2人の子供が同じ年だったり・・

試合中も休憩中も ホッケーやその他のお話で盛り上がって 帰りは ケンタッキーへrvcardash

応援しすぎ おなかがペコペコだったので 今だけ500円dollarのセットを注文しながら ずーーっとオシャベリしてました

ホントによくしゃべるよね~~happy01 そんな事を言ってたら 外は真っ暗moon3

houseを出て 5時間後・・・帰宅です(^^;)

何があったのか 只今、強烈な肩凝りと膝痛despair

明日のために 回 復に務めまーすsweat01

いつまで経っても 氷道shine

みなさんも 転倒には 注意して下さいね(*^^*)ribbon 





今は地球がプチ氷河期だってよ。 信州も手先が凍るほど昨日は寒かったよ。 この冬1~2番の寒さと言ってました。 ホッケーを観戦できるということは、みんな若い証拠だね? マスクしているお二人も若い

snow寒さとでかい声の応援で体調崩したのかしら? ゆっくりお風呂入って、温まってね。 私もなんだか、今日はお雛様飾っただけで疲れちゃったかも。 おやすみ~ぃ

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 氷河期。。。 どうりで ひどい寒さだと思いましたsnow この冬 1番の寒さは もう終って欲しいですね。 マスクのお2人、以前は 東京まで試合を 観に行ってたんですよ~airplane いとこが試合の時ですけど。。ホントに元気です

mayu さまribbon きっと そうかも(^^;) 大きな声を出しすぎて 立ちくらみ こんなふ~~になるとは 応援も気をつけなくちゃ(笑) この時期は いつも以上にお風呂のありがたみを 感じますねheart01 お雛さま~~私も飾らなくちゃsweat01

今日は よろしくお願いしますね^^すごいですね^^

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Continua la collaborazione tra Mykita e moncler jackets, per una seconda collezione di occhiali da sole. I primi modelli erano pensati come un omaggio alla montagna, mentre ora il nuovo modello Lionel (da Lionel Terray, in ricordo del primo alpinista che compi le proprie spedizioni con equipaggiamento moncler jackets) e dedicato a un contesto urbano.

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Media Browser allows you to access your iPhoto libraries and iTunes playlists directly from the Photos and Audio tabs on the Media Browser in Word, PowerPoint, Excel

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Co-authoring allows you to save time and simplify your work by allowing you to edit the same Word document or PowerPoint presentation at the same time as others in

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So how do they hold up sonically? They provide a solid listening experience for many, comparable to the dynamic quality offered by (much pricier) Beats by Dre and Skull Candy models. Producers aren't going to mix with these, but enjoyed as intended ? as an attractive way to listen to your music on the run ? they clean up their competition nicely.

Dynamic Reorder helps you simplify complex layouts. Get an instant, 3-D view of all layers on your Publishing Layout view page and PowerPoint presentation.

Audio Aesthetics: Urbanears' Colorful, Affordable Take on Beats By Dre

Sparklines visually summarizes your data using tiny charts that fit within a cell near its corresponding values. Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 Sparklines is compatible

VIDEO: The 5 Best Films From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

VIDEO: The 5 Best Movies From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

Rounding out the major five was Dr. Dre, who earned $110 thousand. Last year, HTC paid $300 million to get a 51 percent stake within the record producer's Beats by Dr. Dre headphones company, which he co-founded with 2006 with Interscope primary Jimmy Iovine.

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell with a whopping $125 million last year, according to Forbes.

Additionally, she beat director Erina Bay by only $5 trillion. The filmmaker, estimated to have attained $160 million, came in at No. 2 thanks to the actual success Transformers: Dark of the Silent celestial body and related toys, of which he takes area of the profits. He's also not supposed to make as much income next year, with only the reasonably low-budget movie Pain Gain coming.

Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Go to $125 Million, Says Forbes

VIDEO: The 5 Best Video From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

The TV mogul covers the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list for the fourth time, but her reign is at risk to coming to an conclusion.

Rebecca Soni looks out from the sidebar of the Swimming World homepage. She's got her hands on her hips, wearing a black racing suit with Arena written in bold across her chest. She's arguably the most visible Arena-sponsored athlete in the United States, with two gold medals and two world records from the London Olympics.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

For traditional retailers, the path forward is still unclear. If your business is dependent on physical access to consumers and you have not created a brand ethos that people care about, how do you adjust to the increasingly complex and competitive retail environment? New companies seeking to enter the retail market or build a brand presence are faced with even broader choices. Should they set up shops across the country? Opt for a smaller number of flagship stores in core markets? Distribute to boutiques or department stores? Or do they skip the brick-and-mortar route altogether, sell strictly online, and invest the savings in building a brand that consumers will align with?

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

After its world premiere in Geneva, the Qoros GQ3 will be exhibited at the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2013.

Qoros is currently building a production plant in Changshu which will have an initial production capacity of 150,000 vehicles per year, which it hopes to increase to 450,000 vehicles per year.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

What's making things even more interesting is that the power of communication does not stop at brand discovery. On the flip side, the social era is building public forums for criticism and holding companies more accountable for their claims than ever before. Because consumers can sense an inauthentic brand a mile a way, companies must live by their core principles and go above and beyond expectations for sound business practices.
