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2011年11月17日 (木)


今日の朝は いつもよりも寒さを感じませんでしたsun

それは、深夜の1時過ぎまで暖房を入れて 寝る前にスイッチをきったので


それでも、起床とともに 腰にフリースを巻いてのお弁当作りrestaurant

セントラルの暖房って なかなか直ぐには お部屋が暖まりませんよねsweat01

昨日から 長男は泊まりで内定式へ・・・

そして 今日、戻ってきたので 駅にお迎えに行きましたrvcarnote

スーツを着て 黒のビジネスバックを持って歩いている長男が サラリーマンのおじ様たちの間から出てきたときには ちょっとした驚きがありましたshock


いつの間にやら 大きくなって そのブン、私も大きくなってるわけだぁ~pigsweat01

お話を聞いてると 寮の先輩も、上司の方も とっても優しくて 親切な方ばかりだったとか。

ここの勤務先になるかどうかは分からないけれど とってもイイ経験をしてきたようですhappy01

そして もう1つflair


一緒に内定式に出た方達は みなさん大学生

そりゃ~お酒にも慣れてる方ばかりだったようで グイグイいっていたそうです(笑)

長男は、ちょこっと飲んだら 喉が熱くなったそうで 上手く逃げたようですが~~dash

こういう事も含めて 1つずつ大人になっていくんですねbell


外に出ると 冷たい風がホッペにささるけど 見てるだけなら 穏やかな海heart02

そうそう、穏やかではいられなかったのは 夜moon3sign01

今日の 全日本のバレーボールチームの試合は 凄かったですねshock


選手のインタビューを聞いていたら もらい泣きsad

それだけ スゴイ戦いでしたもんね




明日は 最後の試合sign01 頑張れsign01にっぽん(*^^*)/





一歩一歩 親から離れていくのよね。。 たくましい男子になってね^^v

にっぽん、ちゃちゃちゃ~。 巣立ちの日も近いね。 そうして、久美さんも大きくなれるわけですね。 強くならなくっちゃね。 私も年々強くなっています。 役に立たない旦那がいると・・・あっ、言っちゃった・・・母はますます強くなるものです。 私、頑張る~

くみさん、こんばんは! 長男くん、内定式に行ってたんですね♪flair お疲れさま!heart02 来春からは、ピカピカの社会人なんですね~♪shine おっと、その前に...。 成人式があります。 これこそ、大人への第一歩ですよ! そうそう 火の鳥Japan 、今夜はアメリカにストレート勝しました!!shine 今までの取りこぼしが悔しいですね!?sweat01

今夜はアメリカに勝っちゃったね? 凄い事です。 でもオリンピックには出場できないとあるブログで言ってましたが・・・ 息子さん素敵なスーツの似合うサラリーマンになるんですね? 就職難の時だから 内定もらえるって凄いです。

大丈夫あるか? 帰ってきた嬉しさで忙しいアルカ??

こたろうはは さまribbon そうなんですねsweat01 私も 一歩一歩 大人になれるように 子離れ準備を始めます(^^;)

mayu さまribbon 大丈夫あるよ お出かけしていたアルヨ そうそう、いろんな意味で強くならなくちゃ いけないのよねdash 旦那さんあっ、今のことは 聞かなかった事に しよっかなぁ~(笑) mayuママも頑張ってるし~私も頑張りますよpigsweat01

Marcy さまribbon そうなんですよbell でも、勤務地だけは ギリギリまで分からないみたいです そうそう、来年 成人式なんですよ あっ、Marcyさんの 次男くんもそうなんですよね 自分の時の事を思い出すと 今とは 全然違いますsweat01 携帯なんて 無かった時代ですもん(^^;) 女子バレーは ホントに燃えました 男子にも勝って欲しいんですけど・・・

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 女子バレ-の4位って スゴイですよね オリンピックのキップは 次回の大会でって ことになりましたけど~ そう思うと、悔やまれる試合がいくつかありましたねheart03 今度は 男子バレーを応援しなくちゃですね 内定が決まったときは 心の霧が晴れましたよsun この時代だから・・・ありがたいことです

She still ranked atop Forbes' set of highest-paid celebrities -- that is released Monday -- to get a fourth consecutive year. Although her syndicated talk show ended this past year, Winfrey's Harpo Productions is usually behind Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and This Dr. Oz Show; she also oversees the actual O magazine, a satellite radio stop and her struggling cable tv network OWN.

Coming in at No. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million because of residuals from his typical films, his cut of admission sales at Universal Galleries amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings and also his fees for aiming.

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the actual Caribbean: On Stranger Tides introduced $1 billion at the actual worldwide box office, came in fourth using $115 million.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

Forbes calculated upfront pay, profit participation, residuals, endorsements and advertising work to find out its rankings. For the complete list, click here.

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including any of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could eliminate her No. 1 spot.

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell by the whopping $125 million recently, according to Forbes.

The TV mogul tops the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list to get a fourth time, but her reign is at risk to coming to an conclusion.

Additionally, she beat director Erina Bay by only $5 million. The filmmaker, estimated to have acquired $160 million, came in at No. 2 thanks to your success Transformers: Dark of the Celestial body overhead and related toys, of which he takes section of the profits. He's also not expected to make as much funds next year, with only the fairly low-budget movie Pain Gain on the horizon.

Coming in at Zero. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million because of residuals from his traditional films, his cut of ticket sales at Universal Broadcasters amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings as well as his fees for directing.

There is a poster of Matt Biondi posing in Arena swimwear hanging on the wall in the Swimming World office. Biondi has his arms crossed, peering into the camera lens with a half-cocked smile. He looks devastatingly cool. The poster dates back to 1988, the same year he won seven medals (five of them gold) at the Seoul Olympics.

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.

For traditional retailers, the path forward is still unclear. If your business is dependent on physical access to consumers and you have not created a brand ethos that people care about, how do you adjust to the increasingly complex and competitive retail environment? New companies seeking to enter the retail market or build a brand presence are faced with even broader choices. Should they set up shops across the country? Opt for a smaller number of flagship stores in core markets? Distribute to boutiques or department stores? Or do they skip the brick-and-mortar route altogether, sell strictly online, and invest the savings in building a brand that consumers will align with?

After its world premiere in Geneva, the Qoros GQ3 will be exhibited at the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2013.

Volker Steinwascher, deputy chairman of the management board at Qoros, said: “During the development of the Qoros GQ3, we directed all our efforts towards the needs and expectations of today’s young, aspirational customers.

This age of technology and hyper-connectivity is making it possible for businesses to engage customers online, tapping into social networks and other digital media to get their story and vision--if not their physical product--in front of communities, browsing shoppers, and potential brand loyalists. More and more consumers are making the choice to shop online and as a result established retail brands are under pressure to adapt. If access is no longer so important, is the capital required to support a traditional distribution model a wise use of limited resources? This strategic question is underpinned by consumer data that is irrefutably pointing to the shift toward online shopping--comScore reports that retail e-commerce spending for November 2012 amounted to more than $20 billion, up 14% above the corresponding figures a year before.

After its world premiere in Geneva, the Qoros GQ3 will be exhibited at the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2013.

The new model will make its world debut at the Geneva Motor Show from March 7 with sales starting in China in the second half of the year in 2013 and the first cars arriving in Europe in late 2013. No decision has yet been made on whether there will be right hand drive models coming to the UK.

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

This age of technology and hyper-connectivity is making it possible for businesses to engage customers online, tapping into social networks and other digital media to get their story and vision--if not their physical product--in front of communities, browsing shoppers, and potential brand loyalists. More and more consumers are making the choice to shop online and as a result established retail brands are under pressure to adapt. If access is no longer so important, is the capital required to support a traditional distribution model a wise use of limited resources? This strategic question is underpinned by consumer data that is irrefutably pointing to the shift toward online shopping--comScore reports that retail e-commerce spending for November 2012 amounted to more than $20 billion, up 14% above the corresponding figures a year before.
