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2012年8月29日 (水)


先日 いただいたトウキビshine

実っこが端っこまで ビッチリ入っていて 美味しそうですheart02

そうそう、トウキビの粒って 絶対に数が偶数なんですってflair

それを検証しているテレビを見たことがあるんですけど 242個とか244個とか・・・


一粒、一粒が プリップリで 甘かったぁlovely

北海道には 色んな種類のトウキビがあります。

白いものや 生で食べられるもの。 

果物みたいに甘い物もあるけれど、小さい頃から食べてる このトウキビが1番美味しく感じますhappy01

昨日までは 困っちゃうくらい暑かったけど 今日の夕方は とっても涼しくなりましたbell

ずーーーっとお散歩をサボっていたので 今日は、久しぶりにメイちゃんと一緒にお散歩へfoot

あちらから走ってくるメイちゃんを見ると 久しぶりに再会する彼に逢った時みたいな感動heart04

思わず ハグしたくなっちゃいましたdog

しばらくお散歩をしていない間に 日が短くなったのを感じながら、

そして 秋の香りがする風を感じながら ゆっくりと歩いてきましたmoon3

夏バテなのか なかなか疲れが取れない日々。

先日から 母上は1人で寝る練習をしているので 私は自宅で寝てますが・・・

なんとな~~く気になって 夜は”おかず”を持って実家に寄ってますhouse

1日に2,3回 父上にお線香をあげながら・・・


1人分だと お味噌汁を作るのも面倒だったりするんですね。


まだ いつもの生活には戻ってないけれど 少しずつ母上に笑顔が戻ったような気がしますribbon

明日もまた 暑い1日になりそうですねsun

30℃を超える地域の方は 熱中症に気をつけて下さいね(*^^*)danger





こんばんは~ とうきびは毎年ご近所さんから頂いてたけど あれ?今年はまだだなぁ...(笑) 身内を亡くすってとっても寂しくて悲しいけど 時間が経てば笑いながら思い出話とか できるようになりますよ 時間が癒してくれますclover

トウキビの粒の数が偶数かね。 知らんかったぁ~~~~ 面白いね。 しばらくは母上のところへ行って 話しかけちゃらんとね。

トウモロコシって、大好きなの。 でも、けっこう炭水化物・糖が多いので、私には禁物なのよ。 食べ始めると2~3本は軽く食べちゃって・・・・ 今は美味しい甘いモロコシが多いね? 私の子どもの頃は 餅モロコシが多くて、今ほど甘くは無かったよ。 御母さん、娘が近くて良かったと思っているでしょうね?

さと さまribbon ありがとう、さとさん 早い別れだったので 寂しさがいっぱいあるけど 笑って思い出話ができる日が来るのを待ちますclover とうきび・・・そろそろ来そうかな 待ちきれなくなったら こちらから行っちゃいますか(笑)

ぶらり さまribbon トウキビのお話を聞いた時は  私も 面白い~~って思いましたよ 炎天下の中、一粒ずつ数えていた方達は スゴイなぁ~って感動しました 実家へは しばらく通いますhouse 娘といっても このくらいしかできないんですけど(^^;)

ぐうたらmama さまribbon ママは とうきび2,3本も食べちゃいますかぁ?? とっても好きなんですね 私も好きなんですけど・・・食べ過ぎるとお腹が壊れます 今は 生でも甘くて美味しい種類があるんですheart02 餅もろこし??知りませんでした(^^;) 今もあるもかなぁ~~

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Officials said there were enough of those red soles to add up to a suggested retail value of $18 million, an unbelievable profit.The original [Christian Louboutin] shoe is made in Italy,” said chief CBP officer Guillermina Escobar. “Once we saw it was coming in from China, we knew there was a problem with the shipment.Officials took pictures of the shoes and consulted with the trademark holder to authenticate the shoe. Once they learned they were counterfeit, the hot commodities were taken off the black market and placed into the border patrol’s possession.Had the shoes slipped through the cracks, Escobar said, they would likely have been sold on illegitimate websites and underground outlets, some of which may fail to mention the shoes are counterfeits.

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