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2012年8月15日 (水)


天気予報どおり、朝は いいお天気sun

風は 爽やかだったけど やっぱり暑い朝でしたhappy01

今日は 父上が外泊するとかで 朝からてんやわんやでお手伝いに行きましたhospital

実家に着いたとたん 一番興奮していたのは ポッキーちゃんdogheart02

走り回っては 水分補給despair

はぁはぁdash言ってて 落ち着かせるのが大変でしたぁ(^^;)

これは 次男作のお好み焼きshine

長男が帰ってきたときに作るって 張り切っていたので 私もちゃっかり いただきましたpigrestaurant

洗い物の中に 粉のふるいが入っていたところを見ると しっかり小麦粉をふるって作ったみたいで

ふんわりダマも無く とっても美味しかったですheart02

久しぶりのお好み焼き。。。また 食べたいけれど~~

次回、長男が帰ってくるまで おあずけですよsad


でも、今日 気がつきましたflair


最初は 4つだったのに そのうち5つclover

そして 今日は もやしのような小さな芽が また1つ増えていて、今からですかぁって感じです(笑)

少しずつでも変化が見られるのは 嬉しいけれど~~


先日から 怪しい歯の痛み

目が疲れてるから 歯が痛いのか。。。

それとも、歯が痛いから 肩凝りなのか。。。

なんだか 変な連動が気になっちゃいますsweat01


帰省ラッシュが始まってるようなので みなさん、運転には気をつけて下さいね(*^^*)ribbon 





お盆休みだから。。。。 歯医者はやってるのかしら? 緊急医に行ったほうがいいよ。 お父さんの外泊・・・・気をつけてあげてくださいね。 おいしい物が沢山食べられるといいけど・・・・

お疲れだからかな??歯医者早く行っておいでね。 歯の痛みは耐えがたいものね。 大丈夫??

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 歯医者さん・・・行かないうちに お盆が 終っちゃいました(^^;) ほっておくと大変なことになるので、近いうちにhospitalsweat01 父上、1泊して病院へ戻りました また 帰ってこれたらいいなぁ~bell

mayu さまribbon 今は。。。大丈夫だよ ありがとう 色々と疲れが抜けないお年頃になっちゃいました(笑)

Officials said there were enough of those red soles to add up to a suggested retail value of $18 million, an unbelievable profit.The original [Christian Louboutin] shoe is made in Italy,” said chief CBP officer Guillermina Escobar. “Once we saw it was coming in from China, we knew there was a problem with the shipment.Officials took pictures of the shoes and consulted with the trademark holder to authenticate the shoe. Once they learned they were counterfeit, the hot commodities were taken off the black market and placed into the border patrol’s possession.Had the shoes slipped through the cracks, Escobar said, they would likely have been sold on illegitimate websites and underground outlets, some of which may fail to mention the shoes are counterfeits.

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.ne thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.

Officials said there were enough of those red soles to add up to a suggested retail value of $18 million, an unbelievable profit.The original [Christian Louboutin] shoe is made in Italy,” said chief CBP officer Guillermina Escobar. “Once we saw it was coming in from China, we knew there was a problem with the shipment.Officials took pictures of the shoes and consulted with the trademark holder to authenticate the shoe. Once they learned they were counterfeit, the hot commodities were taken off the black market and placed into the border patrol’s possession.Had the shoes slipped through the cracks, Escobar said, they would likely have been sold on illegitimate websites and underground outlets, some of which may fail to mention the shoes are counterfeits.

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Inject your affection into this fashional Christian Louboutin Bow Satin d'Orsay Evening Shoes Black, you'll be surprised.This Louboutin pumps is fabricated of bobcat dogie hair, with a heel 100mm/ 4" heel, signature red sole, will accomplish you added absorbing and assured in the crowd.

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