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2012年1月27日 (金)



夕べのtvで見た最低気温の予報は マイナス17℃shine

そんな朝、 次男は パンツ(ズボン)1枚だけで登校しようとしているので





いえいえ そんなことは無いですよね~sweat01


早朝から 着信音1mobilephone


とりあえず電話に出たところ 次男が mobilephone弁当 忘れたから 近くのローソン(バス停)まで 持ってきてくれる??

あちゃー・・・despair pig了解と言った後、まずは エンジンをやっとこかけて ものスゴーイ厚着で コロコロと出発しましたrvcardash

ひざ掛けの上に大切に乗せて 持って行きましたが~~

タッチの差で バスが出発shocksign01

トホホdespair 朝から ものすごい支度で車に飛び乗った私pig

1本道の道路から Uターンもできず バス見送りましたbusdash

結局、次男は コンビニでお昼ご飯を買うことにdollar

以前、忘れた時 同様、今日も 夕方帰ってきてから ぜ~~んぶ食べてくれたので 良しとしましょwink

こんな事でも無かったら 朝の空を見ることもなかった。。。

ボヤーーーッとした空から ウッスラと太陽が見えてきましたsun

氷のワダチで Uターンができず お弁当を積んだ車で 道なりに走り

ジャスコの駐車場で やっとこUターンsweat01

車中でもこんなに寒いのに 学生さんたちは すごいわ

そんな事を思いながら houseに戻ってきました。

放射冷却で 釧路の空には 逆転層ができたみたいですcloud

今年は ホントに冷えてるんですねsnow

明日は週末、運転には気をつけて 今週も無事に終わりたいですね(*^^*)ribbon





本当に毎日寒いですね。 夏は超熱く、冬はめっちゃ寒い・・・どうにかしてくり。 寒すぎます。 お弁当もこおりそうですね。 私なら、弁当忘れた日には即効食べちゃうと思います。へへへ。

逆転層・・・・いまいちどんな現象か分りませんが、寒い事には間違いないですね? 夕べは10cmくらい降りました。 今も降っているけど、冷凍庫状態です。

くみさん、こんにちは! お弁当、残念でしたね...。busdash 忘れものを届けるにも、路面がこれじゃあ...。 車でビューっと飛ばせないから、不自由ですよね!?sweat01 マイナス17℃って...。snow 犬を飼っている人は、散歩とかはどうしているのかなぁ?!dog

mayu さまribbon 今年は 岐阜も冷えてるでしょ せめて 夏が暑い所は 冬くらいは過しやすいと いいのにね(^^;) お弁当ね、なんでだろぉ~~ 勝手に手をつけちゃいけない気がして食べれなかったのsweat01 それか、ランチが お弁当よりもご馳走だったから 手をつけなかったとも言う

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 逆転層とは。。地表の温度が 上空の温度よりも 低い時になる現象で 例えると 空にモクモク上がる工場などの煙が 上昇できず 横にひたすら広がっていくんですよcloudcloudcloud  空の真ん中に線が引かれたように それ以上 上昇できない煙は とっても不思議な姿でした 冷凍庫生活penguin ゆるくないですねsweat01

Marcy さまribbon この日のお弁当には エビチリも入れたし~ 持っていきたかったんですよdash でも、今時期 ビューって飛ばすと 反対車線に はみ出しちゃいますもの~dogちゃんのお散歩は みなさんしていますよfoot うちの前を通る方も多くて いつもスゴイな~って 関心しています 友人も柴を飼っていて この間 お散歩中に寄ってくれましたが そのとき メイちゃんdogは、元気に雪を食べてましたよheart02restaurant

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the particular Caribbean: On Stranger Tides created $1 billion at the particular worldwide box office, came in fourth along with $115 million.

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the actual Caribbean: On Stranger Tides introduced $1 billion at the actual worldwide box office, came in fourth together with $115 million.

She still ranked atop Forbes' list of highest-paid celebrities -- that has been released Monday -- for the fourth consecutive year. Although her syndicated talk show ended not too long ago, Winfrey's Harpo Productions is usually behind Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and This Dr. Oz Show; she also oversees your O magazine, a satellite radio section and her struggling cable network OWN.

The media mogul earned about $165 million between May 2011 and may even 2012, down from $290 million 12 months earlier.

Coming in at Absolutely no. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million thanks to residuals from his basic films, his cut of priced sales at Universal Dojos amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings as well as his fees for pointing.

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides earned $1 billion at the worldwide box office, came in fourth having $115 million.

VIDEO: The 5 Best Movies From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including some of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could eliminate her No. 1 spot.

Coming in at Absolutely no. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million due to residuals from his traditional films, his cut of priced sales at Universal Studios amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings and also his fees for directing.

She still ranked atop Forbes' listing of highest-paid celebrities -- that was released Monday -- to get a fourth consecutive year. Although her syndicated talk show ended not too long ago, Winfrey's Harpo Productions is behind Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and This Dr. Oz Show; she also oversees this O magazine, a satellite radio station and her struggling cable television network OWN.

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

Qoros is currently building a production plant in Changshu which will have an initial production capacity of 150,000 vehicles per year, which it hopes to increase to 450,000 vehicles per year.

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

This age of technology and hyper-connectivity is making it possible for businesses to engage customers online, tapping into social networks and other digital media to get their story and vision--if not their physical product--in front of communities, browsing shoppers, and potential brand loyalists. More and more consumers are making the choice to shop online and as a result established retail brands are under pressure to adapt. If access is no longer so important, is the capital required to support a traditional distribution model a wise use of limited resources? This strategic question is underpinned by consumer data that is irrefutably pointing to the shift toward online shopping--comScore reports that retail e-commerce spending for November 2012 amounted to more than $20 billion, up 14% above the corresponding figures a year before.

The future (and present) of building a following

The fact that it's possible to do the latter marks a tremendous change from even a decade ago. Looking back, it would have been difficult to imagine building a digital-only brand. But this is possible today, by cultivating fans that feel an emotional connection with--and eventually love for--your brand. This is what is takes to drive people to buy a product, come back for more, and tell their friends about it. The old strategy was to broadcast your message to a mass audience through print ads, billboards, or high-priced Super Bowl commercials. Increasingly, consumers are looking to their peers to guide their purchasing decisions, and traditional advertising is being supplanted by more organic modes of communication--word of mouth, social media, and any number of blogs and content sources.

For traditional retailers, the path forward is still unclear. If your business is dependent on physical access to consumers and you have not created a brand ethos that people care about, how do you adjust to the increasingly complex and competitive retail environment? New companies seeking to enter the retail market or build a brand presence are faced with even broader choices. Should they set up shops across the country? Opt for a smaller number of flagship stores in core markets? Distribute to boutiques or department stores? Or do they skip the brick-and-mortar route altogether, sell strictly online, and invest the savings in building a brand that consumers will align with?

Take the 1990s, for example. It was a decade smack dab in the middle of Speedo's 27-year-long exclusive contract with USA Swimming. But even though the 90's generation swimmers were blindfolded by a single brand, other kids were knocking around the block.

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.
