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2012年1月23日 (月)



今朝は 除雪車の音で目が覚めまして~~あ”~~っ、きっと ドッサリ降ったのね~~snowsnowsnow

朝は 除雪車も来てなかったので 歩道も道路も境目がなく、歩行者の方は大変そうでしたsweat01

お弁当を作って 子供たちが登校して行った頃。。。

ガーーーっ ガーーーッ

窓から チラッと外を見たら ご近所のKおじ様が 除雪をしてくれていましたlovely

いくら私が頑張っても この重たい雪は 全く減った気がしない despair


Kおじ様が雪をかいてくれた後 車の雪落としに チョコチョコと細かい雪かきをして


大きな道路でさえ こ~~んな感じ・・・途中、埋まってる車を何台も見かけたけれど

お手伝いしたくても 車を止められないんですもんdespair

今日の最高気温は 2℃snow

暖かかったせいで 雪は重いし、道路は ビショビショ

この後の 冷え込みが怖いですね~~shock

夕べ、雪かきが終って 子供たちがhouseに帰ってから・・・

1人で コソコソ雪だるまを作ってましたsnowsmile

水分タップリの雪は 雪かきには辛いけど 雪だるま作りには最高なんですよねheart02

釧路は寒いから 枯れ葉の帽子と 枯れ葉のマフラーheart01

そして もう1つ作ってあったはずが~~朝、起きてみたら Kおじ様の除雪の雪に埋まってたshock

とっても残念だったので お仕事の合間に またダルマ~~snowsnowheart01

あっ、コレは 園児の作品ではありませんよ~~sweat01sweat01

年期の入った 女の子の作品ですwink


みなさ~~ん、ツルツル路面に 凸凹路面・・・

どんなに後の人に接近されても 焦らず、安全運転で行きましょうね(*^^*)/ribbon





ニュースtvでもやっていたね。 釧路の雪かきのこと・・・・snow 重くて大変だ!!って男性が云っておりました。 頑張ってね。

頑張ってね。 雪だるまの楽しみも出来てよかったね。 昔の女の子?の作品はマフラー枯葉でおしゃれですね。 センス抜群!! つるつるしてそうだけど、接近させれても焦らずね。 無駄にブレーキ踏んでやって・・・ 危険を感じて、離れるんじゃないかな?

この冬の雪は 北海道の方もものすごく多いんだね? 信州も北部の方へ行くとこれ以上です。 雪で遭難しないでね。 行く方向間違えると凍えるよ~

こたろうはは さまribbon 今回の雪は ホントに重たくって・・・ ママさんダンプにpigが乗ってるみたいでしたよsweat01 今は ガンガンに冷えた氷に 悩まされてますpenguin 冬は まだまだこれからですもんねsnow

mayu さまribbon 昔の女の子作の枯れ葉マフラーsnow センスいい 褒められると とっても嬉しい~heart01 でも、昔はもっと 上手だったような・・・ mayuちゃんも作ったでしょ~雪だるま うんうん、私も そうしてしまいそうだよsweat01 この道で あおられても、スピード出せませんから~~annoy

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 今年は 雪が多いし、とっても寒い冬ですねsnow 長野も 場所によっては 積雪が多いでしょsweat01 こんな時に迷ったら~~ もぉ~帰ってこれませんよ ブリザードも歌だけならいいけど 本物は すごいですもの

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell by the whopping $125 million this past year, according to Forbes.

PHOTOS: Oprah Through the A long time

VIDEO: The 5 Best Movies From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

Forbes calculated upfront spend, profit participation, residuals, endorsements and advertising work to discover its rankings. For the complete list, click here.

PHOTOS: Oprah Through the A long time

Additionally, she beat director Jordan Bay by only $5 thousand. The filmmaker, estimated to have gained $160 million, came in at Simply no. 2 thanks to the actual success Transformers: Dark of the Celestial body overhead and related toys, of which he takes the main profits. He's also not likely to make as much dollars next year, with only the somewhat low-budget movie Pain Gain coming.

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including any kind of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could get rid of her No. 1 spot.

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell by the whopping $125 million recently, according to Forbes.

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the particular Caribbean: On Stranger Tides introduced $1 billion at the particular worldwide box office, came in fourth having $115 million.

VIDEO: The 5 Best Videos From 'The Oprah Winfrey Show'

“They are very sensitive about design and quality, are highly sophisticated users of technology, and insist on the very best safety standards. As an entirely new brand, we have the advantage of being able to focus our efforts, without compromise or distraction, on meeting the demands of these customers.”

Qoros is planning to expand its range with more family cars and all of them will follow the three character naming structure like the GQ3.

To build a brand that stands above the rest--especially in the rapid shifts of retailing--you have to do more than offer the best products and service in your industry. You have to create a following that will stand by you when things go wrong, push you to be better, and lift you above the competition. When you achieve that, you have to be as loyal to your fans as they are to you.

For traditional retailers, the path forward is still unclear. If your business is dependent on physical access to consumers and you have not created a brand ethos that people care about, how do you adjust to the increasingly complex and competitive retail environment? New companies seeking to enter the retail market or build a brand presence are faced with even broader choices. Should they set up shops across the country? Opt for a smaller number of flagship stores in core markets? Distribute to boutiques or department stores? Or do they skip the brick-and-mortar route altogether, sell strictly online, and invest the savings in building a brand that consumers will align with?

In 1973, Arena signed Mark Spitz and Australian Olympian Shane Gould to its first Arena Elite Team. In the following decade Arena sponsored an impressive collection of World Champions including: Mark Spitz (USA), Novella Calligaris (ITA), Steve Furniss (USA), David Wilke (UK), Shirley Babashoff (USA), Gary Hall (USA), Klaus Dibiasi (ITA), Ulrika Knape (SWE) and Maxine "Miki" King (USA).

This age of technology and hyper-connectivity is making it possible for businesses to engage customers online, tapping into social networks and other digital media to get their story and vision--if not their physical product--in front of communities, browsing shoppers, and potential brand loyalists. More and more consumers are making the choice to shop online and as a result established retail brands are under pressure to adapt. If access is no longer so important, is the capital required to support a traditional distribution model a wise use of limited resources? This strategic question is underpinned by consumer data that is irrefutably pointing to the shift toward online shopping--comScore reports that retail e-commerce spending for November 2012 amounted to more than $20 billion, up 14% above the corresponding figures a year before.

Rebecca Soni looks out from the sidebar of the Swimming World homepage. She's got her hands on her hips, wearing a black racing suit with Arena written in bold across her chest. She's arguably the most visible Arena-sponsored athlete in the United States, with two gold medals and two world records from the London Olympics.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

Qoros is planning to expand its range with more family cars and all of them will follow the three character naming structure like the GQ3.
