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2011年10月26日 (水)


昨日のブログで 明日のお天気も良くないみたいですrain

今日は 朝からイイお天気~~sunshine


それでも今朝は とっても冷えましたねshineshine


只今 釧路は、観光客の方がとっても増えているそうですhappy01

その目的は 色々あると思いますが やっぱりコレ→世界三大夕日を見るsun

写真が小さくて見えにくいのですが 真ん中にある幣舞橋には

色々な場所から 観光目的の方はもちろん、カメラマンの方もとっても多いそうです

なんだか とっても嬉しいニュースでしたsmilenote

そして・・・もう1つの釧路の夕日にちなんだ記事をheart02と 思ったら~~

ここでまた 容量オーバーpcdespairsweat01

最近は イイ感じで写真をアップできていたので ちょこっと調子に乗っちゃいました(^^;)

明日はまた 地味~に 過去の記事の消去作業です(笑)

ribbon       ribbon       ribbon       ribbon       ribbon

日に日に寒くなって 身体が縮こまりますpenguin

そんな中、今夜は ドラムのレッスンがありましたmoon3

先日までは 私のリクエストでQUEEN愛にすべてをだったのですが

完成??不完成??かが 良く分からないまま 次の曲へ・・・(^^;)

そして 本日は 伝説のチャンピオン

noteWE~ARE~THE CHAMPIONS~ウィ~ア~ザ、チャ~ンピオン


本人は全く気が付いてないようだったし~この曲は シンバルの出番が多くって

ジャーーーーンnote ジャーーーーンnoteとシンバルを叩くたびに 自分の音にしびれちゃったりしてwink(笑)

そこで講師は 心配??して ちょっと 休憩しましょhappy01sweat01って。  

叩いてる感がとっても心地良かった私は pigこんなに 色々な種類の物を叩いたのは初めてです~っlovelyってお伝えしたら・・・


昨日の物忘れの話題に続き これもまた 叩いた種類を忘れてるんですね(^^;)

でも、音楽とは 音を楽しむnote

だから イインですよね


寒暖の差が激しいので みなさんも風邪には気をつけて下さいね(*^^*)/heart02





くみさん、こんばんは! さすが、世界三大夕日と言うだけあって...。 綺麗ですね~!!shine いちど、この目で見てみたいです♪flair ドラムのレッスン、クイーンをやるの?? すげ~!! けっこう激しくないですか?! 風邪引きさん、お大事に♪heart02

こんな話を聞くと 私もドラムスをしたくなっちゃいます。 この夏ご近所の中学生が家でドラムを鳴らして・・・ものすごかったの。 そこでついに、町から苦情を言われたようです。 ドラムは防音が整っていないと、ただの音楽とは違うから大変ね? 久美ちゃんは家で練習やっているの? 夕焼け・・・釧路はキレイ過ぎます。 安曇野は地平線が無いから、鮮やかではないんですよね。

Marcy さまribbon 新聞の記事になった日の夕日は スゴイですsun 幣舞橋に路駐できたらなぁ~って いつも 思いながら通ってます いつか ぜひ、観光にいらしてくださいairplanenote クイーンの曲も色々でスローもあるんですけど・・・ 伝説のチャンピオンはシンバルが多くて大忙しですよdash でも、マイケルジャクソンのnoteスリラーの時は  見事に足がつりましたぁ そんな私は、ただただ音楽を楽しんでるレベルなんですpig(笑) 

ぐうたらmama さまribbon そうなんですよねsweat01 自宅で鳴らす音は ピアノもギターも。。。 もちろん ドラムはスゴイ騒音になっちゃいますheart03 以前、譲ってくれるという方がいた時 本気で迷いましたが。。。 ドラムSETは意外と大きいので ピアノをどけなくちゃムリってことでやめました 練習はした事がないので 毎回えーーっとかアレーっsweat01とかいいながらやってますよ(笑) ママも ぜひぜひやってみてくださ~い

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With so much recent media emphasis on musician-endorsed headphones, a well-conceived, reasonable set, sans the megawatt thrills, can slip off the radar all too easily. If you're an aesthete on a budget, consider checking out Urbanears, a headphone line popular at Urban Outfitters, which (literally) offers a lot of bang for your buck. This season the brand expands its audio range, with an eye towards high style and customization. Available in five models and over a dozen hues (including the latest options: cream, grape and sage), the latest Urbanear models stand out visually, thanks to their vaguely Scandinavian, modern and minimal design. Priced from $40-70, they are quite recession-friendly.

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free Windows Live ID for personal use, to save and access files via Windows Live SkyDrive.)

So how do they hold up sonically? They provide a solid listening experience for many, comparable to the dynamic quality offered by (much pricier) Beats by Dre and Skull Candy models. Producers aren't going to mix with these, but enjoyed as intended ? as an attractive way to listen to your music on the run ? they clean up their competition nicely.

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Il nuovo modello e ispirato agli occhiali per alpinisti degli anni Cinquanta, che erano caratterizzati da lenti tondeggianti e montatura in metallo con elementi in pelle per la massima protezione contro la luce.

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Il modello unisex, in vendita nei Mykita shop, nelle boutique moncler di tutto il mondo e sul moncler women jackets e-shop (www.moncler.com), e disponibile nel colore kaki con lenti riflettenti marroni, marrone con lenti riflettenti oro e nero con lenti riflettenti argento.

Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 gives you a familiar work environment that is more intuitive than ever. The suite provides new and improved tools that make it easy to

The new ribbon creates an intuitive experience for the Mac user. Familiar Office for Mac tools are still available so you can take advantage of the new ribbon without

She still ranked atop Forbes' listing of highest-paid celebrities -- which has been released Monday -- for any fourth consecutive year. Although her syndicated talk show ended not too long ago, Winfrey's Harpo Productions will be behind Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and The particular Dr. Oz Show; she also oversees your O magazine, a satellite radio station and her struggling cable network OWN.

Forbes calculated upfront fork out, profit participation, residuals, endorsements and advertising work to view its rankings. For the complete number, click here.

Additionally, she beat director Erika Bay by only $5 thousand. The filmmaker, estimated to have attained $160 million, came in at No. 2 thanks to the actual success Transformers: Dark of the Silent celestial body and related toys, of which he takes the main profits. He's also not expected to make as much dollars next year, with only the comparatively low-budget movie Pain Gain coming.

She still ranked atop Forbes' set of highest-paid celebrities -- that is released Monday -- for just a fourth consecutive year. Although her syndicated talk show ended this past year, Winfrey's Harpo Productions is behind Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and The Dr. Oz Show; she also oversees the particular O magazine, a satellite radio station and her struggling cable network OWN.

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell with a whopping $125 million recently, according to Forbes.

Coming in at Simply no. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million because of residuals from his traditional films, his cut of admission sales at Universal Dojos amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings along with his fees for leading.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

Oprah Winfrey's annual earnings fell by way of a whopping $125 million not too long ago, according to Forbes.

Qoros is currently building a production plant in Changshu which will have an initial production capacity of 150,000 vehicles per year, which it hopes to increase to 450,000 vehicles per year.

Consumers are becoming so savvy that retailers simply can't settle for anything less than perfection in all aspects of the business. The onus is on companies to give consumers what they want and deserve. Technology and culture have aligned to create a perfect opportunity for consumers to drive a new era in retail, one in which they have the chance to support brands that they believe in. Companies that have heart can rise to the top.

“They are very sensitive about design and quality, are highly sophisticated users of technology, and insist on the very best safety standards. As an entirely new brand, we have the advantage of being able to focus our efforts, without compromise or distraction, on meeting the demands of these customers.”

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.

After its world premiere in Geneva, the Qoros GQ3 will be exhibited at the Shanghai Motor Show in April 2013.

Rebecca Soni looks out from the sidebar of the Swimming World homepage. She's got her hands on her hips, wearing a black racing suit with Arena written in bold across her chest. She's arguably the most visible Arena-sponsored athlete in the United States, with two gold medals and two world records from the London Olympics.

It was big news when Arena landed its exclusive apparel sponsorship deal with the National Team. But perhaps it was blown out of proportion because, really, Arena has always been around. Executives were waiting for the right market opportunity. USA Swimming ending its exclusive sponsorship deal with Speedo was that opportunity.

It was big news when Arena landed its exclusive apparel sponsorship deal with the National Team. But perhaps it was blown out of proportion because, really, Arena has always been around. Executives were waiting for the right market opportunity. USA Swimming ending its exclusive sponsorship deal with Speedo was that opportunity.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

There is a poster of Matt Biondi posing in Arena swimwear hanging on the wall in the Swimming World office. Biondi has his arms crossed, peering into the camera lens with a half-cocked smile. He looks devastatingly cool. The poster dates back to 1988, the same year he won seven medals (five of them gold) at the Seoul Olympics.
