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2011年10月25日 (火)




そんな今日、子供たちは 高専祭の振り替えでお休み


ジャスコへ行った時、自分が車を止めた場所へ 堂々と子供たちを案内したのですが~


その後 次男に あっち側から歩いてきてたから アッチ方向に止めたんじゃない


あーーーーっ、ビックリsign01 ビックリ(^^;)sign01


あちらこちらにある紅葉は こんなに下まで葉っぱが無いですもんclover

とってもキレイなモミジheart01 ホントは目の前にいって撮りたかったんですけど

ヨソのお宅だし ベランダのまん前だしdespair



BPさん曰く、 くみちゃん、 毎年 同じ事言ってるよhappy01って。

お向いの家のモミジを見て いやぁ~~ホントにキレイだわlovelyって。

と、いう事は 私はこの時期 毎年このお宅に来て。。。

そして このキレイなモミジを見て。。。



記憶力に 赤信号がでちゃってまーすsignalersweat01


明日も釧路は お天気が良くないみたいですねrain

気温も下がるらしいし、暗い空ばかりでイヤだけど 元気で頑張りましょうね(*^^*)/heart02





同じことばっかり言っちゃうお年頃ね。 昨日のことでさえ覚えてないのに去年のことなんて覚えられないですよね 同じです。 こちらも寒いです。 パソコンをいじる指先が冷えます。 さて、体温めるのに畑掘り起こすよ!!

くみさん、こんにちは! 今日の釧路は、寒いんじゃないですか?!snow 高知も、今の時間に19℃...。 先週よりも7~8℃下がっています。 物忘れ...。 可愛いモンですよ~♪heart02 もしも「物忘れグランプリ」があったら...。 上位入賞に自信があります!flair

久美ちゃ~~ん、大丈夫 H=Bをおいて行かないで~~~

私も最近、 物忘れが一気に酷くなった気がして悩んでます 手帳にメモるを習慣づけてますが、 どこに書いたか分かんない~ ダイエットに、脳トレも必要になってきたsweat01 こりゃ忙しいぞ(笑sweat01

北アルプスは再び冠雪です。 この繰り返しで 信州も冬に近づいていきます。 毎日美味しいサンマを食べて、秋を味わっていますよ。 私の場合は胃袋から・・・・です。

mayu さまribbon 良かったぁ~(^^;) mayuちゃんとは 物忘れも仲良しだねheart01 でも、さすがにこの人 変だわ~って思ったときは 私の事、通報してねdanger(笑) 寒くなってきましたぁ~ 手がかじかむと 痛いから 気をつけてね じゃかいもく~ん、今年のできはどうですか

Marcy さまribbon 昨日は(も) とっても寒かったですよ これからやってくる”冬”を思えば まだまだ 寒いなんていえないんですけどねsweat01 高知も冷えてきましたね 朝のお散歩も寒いでしょdogfoot 物忘れグランプリ・・・私とトップ争いですね(笑)

H=B さまribbon う・・う・・うん・・・ あまり大丈夫じゃないかも~~sweat01 でもね、私はいつも H=Bさんの背中をみて 歩いているから 置いてかないよ~(笑)

M絵 さまribbon えーーーっ、M絵ちゃんは まだ”ギャル”なのに(^^;) あっ”ギャル”って知ってますかぁ~sweat01 メモっても書いたところが分からなくなると 大変ですね そんな時 私は・・・手に書いちゃいますmemo な~んて 何の参考にもなりませんよね(笑) やることいっぱい。。。M絵ちゃん ファイトheart01

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 再び冠雪snow 北アルプスの四季の景色は とってもステキでしょうねfujishine 雪山を見ているだけで 体感温度が変わってしまいそうですsweat01 いっぱいサンマを食べて、蓄えなくちゃですねheart01

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Il modello unisex, in vendita nei Mykita shop, nelle boutique moncler di tutto il mondo e sul moncler women jackets e-shop (www.moncler.com), e disponibile nel colore kaki con lenti riflettenti marroni, marrone con lenti riflettenti oro e nero con lenti riflettenti argento.

Dynamic Reorder helps you simplify complex layouts. Get an instant, 3-D view of all layers on your Publishing Layout view page and PowerPoint presentation.

Office Web Apps allow you to get things done when and where you want, from virtually any computer with an Internet connection.

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With so much recent media emphasis on musician-endorsed headphones, a well-conceived, reasonable set, sans the megawatt thrills, can slip off the radar all too easily. If you're an aesthete on a budget, consider checking out Urbanears, a headphone line popular at Urban Outfitters, which (literally) offers a lot of bang for your buck. This season the brand expands its audio range, with an eye towards high style and customization. Available in five models and over a dozen hues (including the latest options: cream, grape and sage), the latest Urbanear models stand out visually, thanks to their vaguely Scandinavian, modern and minimal design. Priced from $40-70, they are quite recession-friendly.

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The new ribbon creates an intuitive experience for the Mac user. Familiar Office for Mac tools are still available so you can take advantage of the new ribbon without

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Il nuovo modello e ispirato agli occhiali per alpinisti degli anni Cinquanta, che erano caratterizzati da lenti tondeggianti e montatura in metallo con elementi in pelle per la massima protezione contro la luce.

Familiar, intuitive tools

So how do they hold up sonically? They provide a solid listening experience for many, comparable to the dynamic quality offered by (much pricier) Beats by Dre and Skull Candy models. Producers aren't going to mix with these, but enjoyed as intended ? as an attractive way to listen to your music on the run ? they clean up their competition nicely.

Charts and SmartArt gives you dozens of SmartArt layouts from more than 130 diagram layouts, ranging from organization charts to lists, processes and relationship

Dynamic Reorder helps you simplify complex layouts. Get an instant, 3-D view of all layers on your Publishing Layout view page and PowerPoint presentation.

American courts give litigants an expansive right to discovery. It is a process so long and expensive that it is commonly used to impoverish and exhaust legal opponents into settling cases. Many lawyers abuse it. And the cost and complexity are magnified in international cases, such as a recent patent-infringement trial in America involving Apple and South Korea’s Samsung, where language and culture have to be taken into account.

Unlike the crowds who stood in line for hours at Saks Fifth Avenue so Louboutin could sign their red-bottomed stilettos, the scene at Thrash’s Memorial manse was downright cozy, with just 26 people invited to her Tex-Mex themed dinner. The dress code was Texas cocktail casual, which translated to boots, jeans, pearl snap Western shirts and chaps, although a few pairs of Louboutin heels were spotted in the mix.

The claimed red colour was not defined by a Pantone reference, which would have enabled it to be precisely identified. The representation also consisted of several shades of red.

During Christian Louboutin's recent whirlwind visit, the shoe designer extraordinare revealed that he is eyeing Houston for a stand-alone boutique.

It might sound like a pretty unscientific (if not a little arbitrary) way of determining shoe sexiness, but just think about how inescapable the red-soled pumps have been lately. Stars like Blake Lively, Jennifer Lopez and Emma Stone opt for Loubs for a good portion of their appearances, while non-celebrity women are painting their off-brand soles red to get the look at a fraction of the price. Even Yves Saint Laurent is being accused of trying to copy Louboutin's signature design.

The Louboutin Sale is Rapidly Running Out of Size 38

Some of the newcomers retrofitting the puffy jacket seem to be using the subtle ingenuity of Barbour-style hunting jackets (all those secret pockets with nifty uses) rather than exhibitionistic skiwear as their blueprint. The look is "dry" (not shiny and "wet") in natural colors like olives and browns, and, like Theory's new line, in trim silhouettes.

Myself, I'm going back to where it all began. I plan to nab Eddie Bauer's reissue of the original puffer, which, as it happens, wasn't puffy at all. The upgraded 1936 Skyliner goose-down hunting jacket is leather-trimmed, alpine green, designed with simple lines and under $200. Just don't follow my lead. I still want to stand out in the flock.

"Those are don't f**k with me shoes," she observed to British newspaper The Telegraph.

The moncler jackets on site is developed from duck cheaper which should be well-known for the stream-lined as successfully for the purpose that excellent secure preservation functions. Within a word, it definitely is lower price and much more reduced to you.

"Outside of America, people think of Texas as a very masculine state, but there is something also very feminine about it," he said. "Texans are very warm and super friendly."

It was learned from Vulture that Yates commited to this new project Monday, and already has some actors lined up to talk to about the lead role -- Henry Cavill (Man of Steel), Charlie Hunnam (Pacific Rim), and Alexander Skarsgard (True Blood). Reportedly Warner Brothers is also looking into The Dark Knight Rises' Tom Hardy, but it's unclear if Hardy is even interested in this role.

Myself, I'm going back to where it all began. I plan to nab Eddie Bauer's reissue of the original puffer, which, as it happens, wasn't puffy at all. The upgraded 1936 Skyliner goose-down hunting jacket is leather-trimmed, alpine green, designed with simple lines and under $200. Just don't follow my lead. I still want to stand out in the flock.

The Louboutin Sale is Rapidly Running Out of Size 38

See a Forbidden Picture from Inside the Christian Louboutin Sale

Three Louboutin Sale Liveblogs to Follow This Morning

It was the first-ever New Orleans appearance for the designer, who has come to command the top of the women’s market with shoes that always have a glossy red sole. For Louboutin’s signing, the store hired a New Orleans Police Department detail cop, engaged a jazz combo, and directed hovering journalists to a lounge that offered a nice view of the backstage scurrying that occurs when a big name is in the house.

Mizhattan has just learned the top-secret date for the annual, invite-only Christian Louboutin sale. So without further ado, here it is: She reports that the sale will begin Tuesday, November 15th, and run through Friday, November 18th, at 306 West 38th Street, per usual.

Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Visit $125 Million, Says Forbes
