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2011年9月29日 (木)


すっかり気温も下がり 半袖では心細い毎日happy01




最近 夜には BPさんが マッサージの練習に来ています

お仕事が終わってからなので 彼女は とってもハードだったでしょsweat01

それでも 明日が本番なので 練習も今日が最後

思えば 1ヶ月前に研修を受けたときは まだ暑くて 汗をかいてましたよね(^^;)

アレから あっという間に1ヶ月・・・ナナカマドも実っこを付けちゃいました


我が家は ちょうど 子供たちが試験期間中だったので 私も仲間に入ってやってましたが・・・

今日はもう 早々に寝ちゃいましたぁ~shock

よーーし 今夜は1人で頑張るど~pig






住之江中央さん、こんばんは! 釧路はもう紅葉が始まっているんですね!?shine 高知よりも二ヶ月は早いです。 明日は、なにか大事な試験なの??flair 頑張って下さいね~♪heart02

どうだった? 結果はいかに?・・・だね? 頑張った結果は付いてきますよ。

お疲れ様。 試験??? きっと、久美さんにマッサージ受けたら気持ちいいんだろうな~。

Marcy さまribbon 最近 一気に寒くなり あちらこちらで 葉っぱの色が変わってきましたよ 高知は今、コスモスですもんね お仕事の大事な試験だったんですよ~memo 筆記と実習。。。 覚えが悪くて大変でした(笑)

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 結果は・・・課題はありますが 合格をいただきました でも、体のあちこちが痛くって 体力つけなくちゃって思いましたよ(^^;) ママのサロンの方は 進んでますかぁ

mayu さまribbon そうなんですよ~memo アロマの時よりの頭が動かず焦りましたsweat01 ブライトニングマッサージよりもスゴイですよ~ いつかmayu姫にプレゼントしまーすheart02

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:D

52. "The road will be overcome by that person, who goes." I wish you never stopped and be creative - forever..!!

Edidn`t think about that. I'll tell my mother, she won`t believe it..!

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:D

Thanks for all the answers:) In fact, learned a lot of new information. Dut I just didn`t figure out what is what till the end!...

It's straight to the point! You could not tell in other words! :DD

Of course, I understand a little about this post but will try cope with it!!....

Are you interested in webmaster`s income?!....

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

Yeahソス I read and I understand that I do not understand anything what it is about:DD

It`s really useful! Looking through the Internet you can mostly observe watered down information, something like bla bla bla, but not here to my deep surprise. It makes me happy..!!

Thank you, a very interesting note!!....

I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

I read and feel at home. Thanks the creators for a good resource..!

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Not bad post, but a lot of extra !!....

Are you interested in webmaster`s income?!...

52. "The road will be overcome by that person, who goes." I wish you never stopped and be creative - forever..!!

I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!...

Interesting, but still I would like to know more about it. Liked the article:DD

As usual, the webmaster posted correctly..!

Interesting. We are waiting for new messages on the same topic!!....

Yeah !... life is like riding a bicycle. You will not fall unless you stop pedaling!!...

Thanks:) Cool topic, write more often! You manage with it perfctly:DD

Extremely easy by words but in realityソス, a lot of things don`t correspond. Not everything is so rosy..!

52. "The road will be overcome by that person, who goes." I wish you never stopped and be creative - forever..!!

Informative, but not convincing. Something is missing but what I can not understand. But I will say frankly: bright and benevolent thoughts!...

Scribbler, give me a student's record-book!))))

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:D

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

Unbelievable. Class..!

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:D

Sent the first post, but it wasn`t published. I am writing the second. It's me, the African tourist.

Not bad post, but a lot of extra !!...

Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles..

Youth rock band "Ranetki" says thank you for such a wonderful blog..!

Yeah, now it's clear !... And firstly I did not understand very much where there was the link with the title itself !!....

The topic is pretty complicated for a beginner!...

Thanks:) Cool topic, write more often! You manage with it perfctly:DD
