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2011年9月29日 (木)















やっぱり試着は楽しいですね~(^O^) 私も今回は、パッパッと決まってしまいました! アパレルパンツシリーズは10本近くありますが大ファンです♪♪

試着、楽しかったです~ 一日中、販社にいたので、迷ったり着たり脱いだりsweat01 色んな方からコメントいただいたりflair たくさんお気に入りがみつかりました

今回はパンツが充実とのことで、わたしも選びました。 楽しかったですね。

おっ、、、ジムリーさんのパンツ姿は見たことありません。 初明との参加やっぱりアパレル楽しいですね。

ワオ~!!チーフと石渡さんのツーショット♪shine最高shine パンツシリーズがいいみたいですね 半年後は絶対にパンツ買おうっと♪

パンツ良いですよね!!私はジャケットの大ファンです(☆o☆) 今回もありえない位の柔らかさと着心地の良さでめちゃくちゃお気に入りヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ 明ちゃんおりこうさんでしたね(//▽//)

パンツシリーズ、とっても充実していましたね~♪ はき心地がよくて、そればかりはいちゃいます♪ 木沢さんのお気に入りパンツへの情熱トークで、決まりかなぁ~? (^^ゞ

CNvckF Yeah, now it's clear !... And firstly I did not understand very much where there was the link with the title itself !!....

I read and feel at home. Thanks the creators for a good resource..!!

The Author is crazy..!!

I serched through the internet and got here. What a wonderful invention of the mankind. With the help of the network you communicate, learn, read !... That helped us to get acquainted!....

Good day! I do not see the conditions of using the information. May I copy the text from here on my site if you leave a link to this page?!....

The Author is crazy..!!

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

Thank you, a very interesting note!!....

Good post! Found a lot of new and interesting! Will share the link with others:DD

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:DD

Good! Wish everybody wrote so:DD

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Stupid article..!!

Not bad post, but a lot of extra !!....

I am glad that your blog is constantly evolving. Such posts only gain in popularity!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

I subscribed to RSS, but for some reason, the messages are written in the form of some hieroglyph (How can it be corrected?!....

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:DD

Are you interested in webmaster`s income?!....

Yeah, it is clear now !... Just can not figure out how often do you update your blog?!....

I would add something else, of course, but in fact almost everything is mentioned!....

This article is for professionals..!!

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

Last a few years has been to Ibiza, so met a person there whose style of presentation is very similar to yours. But, unfortunately, that person is too far from the Internet!....

Post brought me to think, went to mull over!!....

The author deserves for the monument:DD

As usual, the webmaster posted correctly..!!

I would add something else, of course, but in fact almost everything is mentioned!....

See it for the first time!!....

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

As I have expected, the writer blurted out..!!

I am amazed with the abundance of interesting articles on your site! The author - good luck and wish you the new interesting posts..!!

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

Right from this article begin to read this blog. Plus a subscriber:DD

Extremely easy by words but in realityソス, a lot of things don`t correspond. Not everything is so rosy..!!
