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2011年9月23日 (金)

















本当にそうですね。ノエビアに出会って感動したあの実感は、基本をきちんと繰り返したからでした。 今は結構、むちゃくちゃで、自己流になってしまっています。 反省して、応えてくれるお肌づくりの基本をやってみたいと思います。

そうなんですよね~(T_T) 基本が大事! あれ~大変!と思って、しっかりお手入れすると答えてくれる! 一回でも解っちゃうノエビアを知ってるからこそ、ついつい手を抜いちゃう(T_T) いけませんね~(T_T)反省です(T_T)

アトピー体質の私は、ノエビアを使い始めてから 確実にお肌が若返っています …と自分では思っていますsweat01 お肌の仕組みと、基本のお手入れを知っただけで こんなに違うものなんですねheart01 野球少年の息子たちも、基本が大事、と 素振りや壁あてを始めました

ノエビアに出会って初めてお手入れの基本をきちんと教えてもらって・・・そうしたら今まで皮膚科に何年もお世話になっていたのがウソみたいに綺麗になって・・・ きちんとお手入れするとお肌も変わりますよね 桜梅での石渡さんのお話も聞きたいな♪今度ぜひ聞かせてくださいね~♪

PxOwpH I am amazed with the abundance of interesting articles on your site! The author - good luck and wish you the new interesting posts..!

52. "The road will be overcome by that person, who goes." I wish you never stopped and be creative - forever..!

Yeah !... life is like riding a bicycle. You will not fall unless you stop pedaling!!...

Thank you, a very interesting note!!....

Sent the first post, but it wasn`t published. I am writing the second. It's me, the African tourist.

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!...

Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles..

Of course, I understand a little about this post but will try cope with it!!....

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:DD

Cool! You have answered. I'll take a quote! The meaning of life and everything else. Decided. No kidding!....

Very amusing thoughts, well told, everything is in its place:DD

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Sometimes I also see something like this, but earlier I didn`t pay much attention to this!....

I must admit, the webmaster is a cool guy..!!

Good post! Found a lot of new and interesting! Will share the link with others:DD

Heartfelt thanks..!!

Current blog, fresh information, I read it from time to time!!....

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

Author, keep doing in the same way..!!

Can be also this issue because the truth can be achieved only in a dispute :DD

Comrade kill yourself..

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

Heartfelt thanks..!!

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

I read and feel at home. Thanks the creators for a good resource..!!

Hooray! the one who wrote is a cool guy..!!

I serched through the internet and got here. What a wonderful invention of the mankind. With the help of the network you communicate, learn, read !... That helped us to get acquainted!....

Good post! Found a lot of new and interesting! Will share the link with others:DD

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!!

Thanks:) Cool topic, write more often! You manage with it perfctly:DD

It's straight to the point! You could not tell in other words! :DD

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:DD

Heartfelt thanks..!!

Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks!!....

A unique note..!!

Hooray! the one who wrote is a cool guy..!!

I read and feel at home. Thanks the creators for a good resource..!!

Can be also this issue because the truth can be achieved only in a dispute :DD

Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!!
