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2010年4月27日 (火)



















癒やしツアー、内容がすごいいいですよね。 普段お客様にサービスする側のみなさんでしたから、嬉しい達成賞ですよね。

達成された皆さんおめでとうございます♪♪ スペシャルコースで一日満喫ですね~(^O^)

達成しての、ご褒美企画、本当にうれしい内容ですね♪ 癒されますぅ~♪ チーフブロデュース企画も、あるかなぁ~? 楽しみにして待ってま~す♪b(^_-)-☆

癒やしツアー達成の皆さんおめでとうございました~o(^-^)o 皆、心身癒されて最高~~って顔してましたね(☆o☆) さて今日はローズ!ローズ会員さんを癒やせる様頑張ります(^▽^)

神品さんがとっても癒されて、ゆっくりできた~と言ってました。 たまには自分でサービスを受けて、気持ちよさを体験するのも大事ですよね。 おめでとうございました。

癒やしツアー楽しかったです!ありがとうございました(^O^) エステではチーフにお手入れしていただき、贅沢な時間でした! ランチのお店もとても素敵でとっても美味しくてセレブなランチタイムでした! オーラソーマ、よろしくお願いしますo(^-^)o

Yeah !... life is like riding a bicycle. You will not fall unless you stop pedaling!!...

Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!

Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!!

Very amusing thoughts, well told, everything is in its place:D

However, the author created a cool thing..!

The material is on the five plus. But there is a minus! My internet speed 56kb/sek. The page was loading for about 40 seconds!....

See it for the first time!!....

I am glad that your blog is constantly evolving. Such posts only gain in popularity!....

Hello! How do you feel about young composers?!....

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

The Author is crazy..!!

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:DD

I envy you. The content and design of your blog is much better than mine. Who made a design for you?!....

Last a few years has been to Ibiza, so met a person there whose style of presentation is very similar to yours. But, unfortunately, that person is too far from the Internet!....

Thanks a lot! An extremely interesting comment!!....

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I'm sorry, I'm just 13 years old!....

Thanks:) Cool topic, write more often! You manage with it perfctly:DD

I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

Cool:) I would say say it exploded my brain..!!

See it for the first time!!....

Of course, I understand a little about this post but will try cope with it!!....

A unique note..!!

Cool:) I would say say it exploded my brain..!!

Interesting, but still I would like to know more about it. Liked the article:DD

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Good post! Found a lot of new and interesting! Will share the link with others:DD

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

I would add something else, of course, but in fact almost everything is mentioned!....

Current blog, fresh information, I read it from time to time!!....

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

Yeah, now it's clear !... And firstly I did not understand very much where there was the link with the title itself !!....

Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks!!....

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

Interesting. We are waiting for new messages on the same topic!!....

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

Thanks a lot! An extremely interesting comment!!....
