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2009年5月20日 (水)
























素晴らしいお誕生日にしていこうと思いを募らせていたのですね。 誰かのために、何かのためにって、なかなか実践することって、難しいものだと思います。 なんでも、着実に形にして行く社長はすごいなぁと思います。 これも「出会いがあってこそ」といいますが、そんな出会いを呼び込んでしまうような不思議パワーを持ち合わせているんですよね。

社長改めておめでとうございます。そして、すごいことです。私も何か出来る事があるのかと考える事はありますが、、考える事と実行できることは全く違いますよね 仕事を通して大きな事はできませんが、社会に貢献できるように早くなりたいし、そう出来るよう精進して参ります溿

自分のお誕生日に、何か人の為にと思うのは凄いことですね。どうしても、祝って!祝って!としてもらうことばかりに気がいってしまいます。 この世に生まれ、健康に、幸せに暮らしていることに感謝。本当にそうですね。そしてこの幸せをお裾分けできたら、嬉しさ倍増ですね(^_^)v

社長の想いって本当に素敵でカッコイイですshineshine 想いだけでも(そこに気付くのも)凄いことなのに形に変えて実行出来るってshine社長の魅力の一つですね。 わたしもそんな人になっていけるよう 日々心がけ実行していきますheart02

改めまして…社長おめでとうございます♪ 常に目標を持ち続ける社長には「すごい!」の一言です。私は遠く足元にも及びませんが、良い刺激をいただいています(^^)

言葉だけでなく、形にしていく社長は本当に素敵でかっこいいです!!! この物であふれた日本社会どうにかならないですかねぇ。。 豊かな日本にいるとどうしても日々忘れがちですが、当たり前は当たり前じゃないと自分にいいきかせ、子供にも少しずつ教えています!社長からのプレゼントの井戸が毎年作られ、それでアジアの人たちのあの素敵な笑顔が増えるのかと思うと嬉しいですね♪ 私も毎月ほんの気持ちですが募金続けていますよんo(^-^)o

思いはあっても形にするのは、とっても難しいですよね。 母親になって、自分が生まれてきた大切さを感じましたが…その日を人の為の日にする社長も素敵です♪♪

ribbon社長、改めて、おめでとうございますribbon 自分の誕生日に支援をしようと決めるなんて、 ステキすぎますshine 私は子育て支援に携わっていますが ボランティアというものは、人のためであるようで 自分のためなのだなあと感じる事があります。 誰かの役に立てて、うれしい私、という感じでしょうか うまく言えませんが。 井戸のお話し、聞かせてくださいねflair

社長の生き方が本当に素敵です!! 自分の人生の中で人の為世の中の為に何かを形に残す事って本当に凄い事ですよね!しかも“感謝の日”にというのが感動しました♪ そんな想い、生き方に少しでも近づきたいです♪

通子ちゃん、なんてまあ素敵な、凄い女性になっちゃったんでしょうか! ぱんだ、感動しましたわー。 あなたの想い、きっと伝わるし、世界中に広めていけたら素晴らしいですね! 今、こうして何気なく水を飲んでいられることを当然と思わず、感謝して生きていきますわー!

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!...

gcGxmX I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

I do`t regret that spent a few of minutes for reading. Write more often, surely'll come to read something new!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

Youth rock band "Ranetki" says thank you for such a wonderful blog..!!

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:DD

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:DD

Very amusing thoughts, well told, everything is in its place:DD

Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!....

I serched through the internet and got here. What a wonderful invention of the mankind. With the help of the network you communicate, learn, read !... That helped us to get acquainted!....

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

Youth rock band "Ranetki" says thank you for such a wonderful blog..!!

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!!

I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!....

Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!!

Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I'm sorry, I'm just 13 years old!....

It`s really useful! Looking through the Internet you can mostly observe watered down information, something like bla bla bla, but not here to my deep surprise. It makes me happy..!!

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

This article is for professionals..!!

Totally agree with you, about a week ago wrote about the same in my blog..!!

Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks!!....

Not bad post, leave it at my bookmarks!....

Youth rock band "Ranetki" says thank you for such a wonderful blog..!!

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!!

However, the author created a cool thing..!!

Read, of course, far from my topic. But still, we can work together. How do you feel about trust management?!....

Post brought me to think, went to mull over!!....

It's straight to the point! You could not tell in other words! :DD

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

Yeah, it is clear now !... From the very beginning I did not understand where was the connection with the title !!....

Author, keep doing in the same way..!!

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

Thanks for all the answers:) In fact, learned a lot of new information. Dut I just didn`t figure out what is what till the end!...

Edidn`t think about that. I'll tell my mother, she won`t believe it..!!

Can be also this issue because the truth can be achieved only in a dispute :D

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

However, the author created a cool thing..!!

Thank you, a very interesting note!!....
