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2012年11月 7日 (水)


今日は 大荒れrain


お天気が崩れないうちにって 日中は アチコチに行きましたけど

夕方からは 大量の雨rainrainrain

ちょうど、mobilephoneをかけようと この駐車場に止まったら 急に降り出してきました。

こういう時の音って とっても怖いですね


今夜は 旦那が泊まりなので 次男と2人pig

彼は 日曜日にある英検の2次試験のために お勉強中memo

かと思ったら テレビ見て笑ってるし~~

今の子は お勉強しながらテレビも見れる??


今日もお花屋さんへ 商品の配達happy01

たまには 母上に~って思って ガーべラを買いました(1本オマケしてもらっちゃったheart02

そのお花は 真っ直ぐ父上の仏壇へと飾られて おと~ちゃん、今日はいい香りに包まれた事でしょうshine

本日は 友人やお客さまのお悩みを聞くことが多かったけど

み~~んな 元気になったかなbell

悩みのない人なんて きっと、いないと思うけど こういう雨の日は いつもよりも



真っ暗の中に キラキラ

見方を変えたり 悩みの中に、小さな光が見えたら いいなぁ~~

そして何よりも 悩みを聞いてくれる人がいたら それが1番ですよねhappy01







網走のほうだっけ? 雪虫が大量に舞っている風景をTVで放送してました。 雪虫が出ると そのうち雪が降るんだって? もうすぐですね? 私も沢山悩みがあるよ~

イヌに噛まれた心配ありがとう。 大丈夫だよ。 前からお腹は腫れているからね!

お天気が悪いと気分も沈むね。。 私も激動の三日間(6,7,8)がようやく終わりました。 ミニ改装があって 何しろ疲れて眠れなかったし、足が痛くて眠れなかった・・・ 今夜からようやくゆっくりできそうだよ^^v

ご無沙汰いたしておりました 寒くなってきましたね… そちらもクリスマスカラーになってますか?

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 雪虫が登場すると そろそろsnowが降るよ~ っていう お知らせなんですよ 去年かな? 釧路の雪虫は 時期を間違えて フライングしてましたけど(笑) 来週。。。天気予報では ユキが降りますsweat01 お腹が腫れてる そんなこと、言ってませんってばぁ~(笑) でも、噛まれた所はどうですかぁ? お悩みもいっぱいですけど・・・お大事にして下さいねheart01

こたろうはは さまribbon ハハも多忙だったんですねdash 疲れすぎると眠れない・・・これが 厄介ですよね 夕べは ユックリ眠れましたかmoon3 お天気に心模様が左右されちゃいますけど 気分転換とかして 乗り切りたいですねnote

M絵 さまribbon お久しぶりでした こちらはまだ、クリスマスって感じでもなく・・・ そうは言っても お店に行ったら 案外変わってるかも 長野も もう少しで雪景色になりますねsnowshine

Picture Editing gives you tools throughout the suite to crop, recolor, remove background and compress photos within your document.

Picture Editing gives you tools throughout the suite to crop, recolor, remove background and compress photos within your document.

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Audio Aesthetics: Urbanears' Colorful, Affordable Take on Beats By Dre

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Sparklines visually summarizes your data using tiny charts that fit within a cell near its corresponding values. Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 Sparklines is compatible

With so much recent media emphasis on musician-endorsed headphones, a well-conceived, reasonable set, sans the megawatt thrills, can slip off the radar all too easily. If you're an aesthete on a budget, consider checking out Urbanears, a headphone line popular at Urban Outfitters, which (literally) offers a lot of bang for your buck. This season the brand expands its audio range, with an eye towards high style and customization. Available in five models and over a dozen hues (including the latest options: cream, grape and sage), the latest Urbanear models stand out visually, thanks to their vaguely Scandinavian, modern and minimal design. Priced from $40-70, they are quite recession-friendly.

Il modello unisex, in vendita nei Mykita shop, nelle boutique moncler di tutto il mondo e sul moncler women jackets e-shop (www.moncler.com), e disponibile nel colore kaki con lenti riflettenti marroni, marrone con lenti riflettenti oro e nero con lenti riflettenti argento.

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Yesterday, the highly-anticipated Christian Louboutin sale opened its doors early for very VIPS like Blake Lively. This morning, the first official "press" day of the sale is upon us. For the lucky few that secured the invitation and official RSVP confirmation, their sheer joy is probably on par with receiving an ivy league acceptance letter or winning the lottery. Esteemed Racked New York editor Izzy Grinspan is on-site to document the madness. Stay tuned for more….

"I have spoken about embracing my curves and loving my body [in the past]," she explained. "It's always been something I'm comfortable with."

Christina was particularly criticised by British television regulating body Ofcom for her "sexualised" get-up, which featured stockings and suspenders.

Still, it's not everyone's cup of hot cocoa. Theory's Mr. Rosen said he'll stick to wearing his down jacket with casual attire, like a pair of jeans and a button-down. "We're not replacing the camel's hair topcoat," he laughed.

We definitely don't want you to take Thursday off and rush to a random 14th-floor space in the Garment District only to find that there's nothing there, so for now, we'll second MadSpy's prudent suggestion that anyone who wants Loubs should plan to visit the sale Wednesday afternoon. If this year's sale is anything like the last one, they'll start letting in non-press people after lunch. Plan to wait at least two hours, and don't expect any amenities?this is an old-school sample sale. Do, however, expect bargains: Most of the merchandise last time was around $250, with some heels as low as $100.

Common Sense Advisory, a research firm, estimates that the worldwide language-services business is worth $34 billion and it is growing fast, at about 12% a year. No firm is big enough to dominate and most are privately held. The biggest, Mission Essential Personnel, boasted revenues of $725m in 2011; TransPerfect raked in $300m. Fees from legal work can be juicy.

Prime people-watching as Christian Louboutin dines with well-heeled H-Town glamazons

Selling shoes also comes naturally to the designer: “I started out with one shop in Paris and I did the selling with one other person. I don’t have time for that now, but I need to keep my link with customers, with the stories they tell me, with the dreams and the special requests. It’s a direct personal link that informs my designs --- and it continues with these personal appearances.”

A Surprisingly Small Crowd Gathers Early for Christian Louboutin

2.) NBC's The Feast blog is also Tweeting from the line, complete with pictures. Sample update: "30 mins into the Louboutin sale hours line has moved one foot. To anyone deciding whether or not to make a pre-work attempt: Wait. #shop"

During a morning meeting with Saks staffers, Louboutin was asked if he has a muse. He said not only does he not have a muse, he doesn't think about clothes. "He said he designs for women when they are naked. He doesn't want the clothes to get in the way," Frasch recalled.

Louboutin said he was happy to have the suit out of the way and saw it as a victory for "anyone with an identity."

The claimed red colour was not defined by a Pantone reference, which would have enabled it to be precisely identified. The representation also consisted of several shades of red.

When we pulled together our list of 40 sample sales happening this month, one that was noticeably missing was Christian Louboutin. For a second, we thought maybe there wasn't going to be one this season, but it just turns out that the details for the invite-only sale were just a little harder to come by this year. (Which isn't much of a surprise, since breaking into that sale is like breaking into Fort Knox.)

Kanisao.com Is Holding Moncler Femme Wear as the Next Business Avenue

If you were a designer and your shoes were so cute that Jessica Alba and Rihanna both wore them, you'd be happy, right? What if your shoes were so cute that you noticed a few glaring similarities between your namesake pairs and those of a mass retailer? Turns out, you wouldn't be quite as pleased.

Outside the Christian Louboutin sale, the line is still as slow as molasses. Inside the Louboutin sale, meanwhile, the supply of average sizes is dwindling. We just heard from a shopper who think she bought the last pair of black kid pumps in a 38.5 ("I bet everyone on line hates me," she writes.) In general, the shelves for sizes 38 and 38.5 are seriously depleted, unless you're in the market for boots, espadrilles, flamboyant stilettos, or smudged white satin pumps. At this point, 38s might want to ditch the line entirely. Anyone who wears under 36 or over 40, though, should still be good.

“It’s more than [just] one shoe... it’s the entire collection,” Philip’s lawyer, Andrea E. Bates, told the New York Post. “This is what you’d expect to find on Canal Street.”

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.ne thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.

The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.ne thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,
