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2012年9月20日 (木)



今日も暑かったけど お洗濯物が乾いてよかったですnote


一時だけ ピンクの葉っぱが出てきたけど 今はまた 緑の新芽がゾクゾク出てきますclover

ホントに これで良いのかなぁ~

たま~に そう思うけど、元気にスクスクと育っているので 成長を眺めていますhappy01

でも、時々お客様には shockコレって ポインセチアなの

そんなふ~に言われちゃうほど 緑の葉っぱが 大勢いるんですよ(笑)

いつもなら 今日が締めだけど 今月からは末になったんですよねpc

長かった習慣が抜けず なんとな~~くソワソワしちゃいましたsweat01

忘れている方のために。。。みなさ~ん、これから締めは 末ですよ~~~

今日こそは お散歩に行かなくちゃfootって思ったけれど

夕方から また予定が入ってしまい 車の中から見た夕日shine

とっても とっても 眩しくて この後 どんな空になるのかなぁ~って スゴク気になっちゃいましたlovely

そして、その後は こんな空heart02

全く違う所から見た空だけど 見惚れちゃいましたheart01

この空が気になりながらも 打ち合わせmemo

様々な事を 真正面からお話できる人は とっても大切ですね

帰る頃には 空は真っ暗で つーーーんと冷えた空気になってましたよmoon3

釧路も そろそろ秋の気配かな~(*^^*)ribbon





ポインセチアはダンボールを被せて 暗くして育てるようです。 そしたらガクが赤くなるんですって。 ネットで調べてみるといいですよ。

ぐうたらmama さまribbon ありがとうございます これからクリスマスに向けて 可愛い色の葉っぱが出るように やってみます

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Officials said there were enough of those red soles to add up to a suggested retail value of $18 million, an unbelievable profit.The original [Christian Louboutin] shoe is made in Italy,” said chief CBP officer Guillermina Escobar. “Once we saw it was coming in from China, we knew there was a problem with the shipment.Officials took pictures of the shoes and consulted with the trademark holder to authenticate the shoe. Once they learned they were counterfeit, the hot commodities were taken off the black market and placed into the border patrol’s possession.Had the shoes slipped through the cracks, Escobar said, they would likely have been sold on illegitimate websites and underground outlets, some of which may fail to mention the shoes are counterfeits.

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