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2012年8月31日 (金)


朝から 暑い1日でしたsun

今朝も寝汗・・しっかりかいていたので 朝からシャワーsweat01

釧路で残暑なんて とっても珍しいですよ~happy01

月末なので 集金業務でバタバタしてましたdashdash

外に出ると暑いけど 車のエアコンで 再び元気復活pig

そんな繰り返しの中、ふと 空を見上げたら 一面に雲cloudshinecloud

今がお仕事中じゃなければ 寝転んで 流れる雲をずーーーっと見てるのにlovely


一見トマトに見えたけど~ これって ジャガイモの実っこなんですってshock

じゃあ、土の中にあるホントのジャガイモは 実っこじゃないんですね???

ジャガイモ畑では お花しか見たことがなかったので びっくりでしたflair

夕方 道路にある温度計を見たら なんと27℃shock 

いつもの釧路なら お盆を過ぎたら 肌寒くなっていたような。。。

灯油の価格も グーーーーんと上がったし、暖かいのはありがたいんですけど

なれない暑さに 少々お疲れ気味ですpigsweat01

今日も キレイな夕焼けに逢えましたsun


来月は また1つ年が増えちゃうので 頑張るど~~(*^^*)ribbon





月日が流れるのって、早いですね。 9月・・・。なんて、早いんだろうって・・・驚くくらい 夕日見て、元気出しましょうね。 えいえいうぉ~~~~~~ぉぉ 残暑こちらもかなり。 今もクーラーつけました。 耐えられないもの~fish

何があっても時間は過ぎる、日が過ぎる、季節は廻る・・・・ですね? そろそろ夏の疲れが出てくる時期、仕事上ではまた0からスタート。 時間と行事に追われる生活が・・・・トホホ

mayu さまribbon 年々、速さを感じますよ~~sweat01 この調子でいったら あっという間におばあちゃん!? 今年は 珍しく北海道の残暑も厳しいのsun そして 釧路まで頑張っちゃってますよsweat01 今も チャリ通勤ですかぁ?? おうちでもそうだけど 外出の時も 熱中症には 気をつけてねheart02

ぐうたらmama さまribbon ホントですね 何があっても 時間が過ぎていくし ちゃ~んと お腹も空いたりして 上期がスタートしましたねdash 私は若干 出遅れましたが これから徐々に頑張りますsweat01 ママは 忙しいので 体には気をつけて下さいね

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

According to the CBP, the knock-off shoes that were transported in five different shipments on a cargo ship in large boxes from China had a domestic value of more than $57,000, meaning it cost just less than $3 per pair to make them.

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.ne thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.

If you find a pair of those trendy red-bottom heels for a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.U.S. Customs and Border Protection confiscated 20,457 pairs of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes at the Los Angeles/Long Beach seaport.They label the shipments as generic shoes when, in fact, they’re bringing over contraband,” said Jaime Ruiz, a public affairs specialist for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.ne thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,The CBP said it knows what hot commodities are coming in to the United States and will make sure to keep an eye out for any more counterfeits.

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

The CBP said it will destroy the more than 20,000 pairs of high-fashion shoes, likely by burning them.Escobar said a total of three different importers shipped the counterfeits on July 27 and Aug. 14 of this year.The incident is still under investigation but the importers will likely be charged with a trademark violation.CBP officials said there were 24,792 seizures of counterfeit and pirated goods in the 2011 fiscal year.One thousand twenty of those trade seizures had a domestic value exceeding $37 million and all took place in the greater Los Angeles area.This represents an 18 percent increase in the number of seizures from fiscal year 2010,

Why not accept a attending at the Christian Louboutin Bow Bow 100mm PVC Sandals Red ?They are the appropriate brace you are analytic for.This new appearance affluence louboutin pumps is fabricated of Leather,with the adroit ruched account which will fit for any of your outfit.The 4 inches approx. - 100 mm approx top heel will accomplish you taller than others.

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Anyway, christian louboutin aperture In avant-garde society, top heels in in indispensability. Cartier apery watches are of assorted grades and values.

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