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2012年6月24日 (日)


夕べは 夜更かししてみたけれど~~

今朝は いつもの時間に パッチリ目が覚めちゃいましたshock

朝寝坊して良い日って ちゃ~んと起きちゃったりするんですよねsun

黄緑の葉っぱの中に ちっこいお花を発見heart02

宝物をみつけたような な~~んか とっても得した気分ですhappy01

本日、釧路の??びっくり・ドンキーで 定番ハンバーグメニューが 390円sign01

そんなニュースを たまたまFM釧路で聞いたので 行ってみましたが・・・


帰省していた長男と次男、そして 仲良しさんも一緒にいきましたが

待っていられないほどの人だったので 子供たちは マックでお買い物restaurantをしてカラオケへ~note

私と仲良しさんは お気に入りのお店でランチをしてきましたsmile


ビックリ・ドンキーの390円は 今週末もやってるみたいですよpig

明日の早朝 また勤務地に帰る長男の食料品をタップリ買って


荷物を積んで 見送りですsad

昨日の女子会でも 先輩ママに色々教えていただきました


今しかない この時間を 大切に、そして楽しみたいと思いますribbon

明日は 晴れるかナァ~~sun

もうすぐ月末sweat01 今週も 頑張っていきましょ~~(*^^*)/heart02





帰省しなくなった=彼女ができた!? 久美ちゃん がんばれよ~~bell

可愛い花じゃね。 白い素朴な感じの花は癒されますねぇ~ 息子さんも頑張っちょるね。 社会人一年目は神経を使うけん疲れると 思うがファミリーの待つ我が家が 癒しの空間じゃけんね。

帰ってこない日が来ないといいですね。 そのうち連れてくるかもね。 彼女もいないんじゃ、心配のような・・・いなくていいような・・・。 そんな心配もしてみたいような・・・母は複雑ですよね 今日もじ~~~っとしていられず・・・もと住んでたところまでGO~。 楽しかったです。 仲良しさんで気兼ねない友と話すのが一番楽しいですよね 久美さんも楽しめましたか??

こたろうはは さまribbon トホホ・・・sweat01 いつか、そんな日がきますよね それまで 頑張りまーすheart02

ぶらり さまribbon 葉っぱの中に ひょっこりと・・・heart01 名前は分かりませんが 存在感のあるお花ですねshine 誰もが通る道なんですけど 社会人1年生の時は 色々大変ですもんねsweat01 帰ってきたときくらいは 母親らしい事が できたらって思います でも。。逆に私が、心配かけてるかもしれませんけど(笑)

mayu さまribbon そうそう、どちらになっても心配ですよね(^^;) まずは 社会人として 1人で頑張っていける 力がついてほしいって思ってます わたしが思っているより しっかりしてるかも mayuちゃんは お休みをエンジョイしてますねnotehouseで寝てるより 案外ストレス発散できたりしてね 私も ヒマを見つけては ちょこちょこ 楽しんでますよheart02

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But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including any one Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could drop her No. 1 spot.

Jerry Bruckheimer, whose Pirates of the actual Caribbean: On Stranger Tides introduced $1 billion at the actual worldwide box office, came in fourth with $115 million.

Coming in at No. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million as a result of residuals from his traditional films, his cut of solution sales at Universal Galleries amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings along with his fees for guiding.

The TV mogul surfaces the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list for just a fourth time, but her reign is vulnerable to coming to an end.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

Coming in at Zero. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million thanks to residuals from his classic films, his cut of solution sales at Universal Dojos amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings and his fees for leading.

PHOTOS: Oprah Through the Several years

The TV mogul clothes the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list for any fourth time, but her reign is at risk to coming to an finish.

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including any kind of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could lose her No. 1 spot.

The TV mogul best the magazine's highest-paid celebrities list for any fourth time, but her reign is vulnerable to coming to an conclusion.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

The new model will make its world debut at the Geneva Motor Show from March 7 with sales starting in China in the second half of the year in 2013 and the first cars arriving in Europe in late 2013. No decision has yet been made on whether there will be right hand drive models coming to the UK.

Many shifts, little time

There is a poster of Matt Biondi posing in Arena swimwear hanging on the wall in the Swimming World office. Biondi has his arms crossed, peering into the camera lens with a half-cocked smile. He looks devastatingly cool. The poster dates back to 1988, the same year he won seven medals (five of them gold) at the Seoul Olympics.

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.

The fact that it's possible to do the latter marks a tremendous change from even a decade ago. Looking back, it would have been difficult to imagine building a digital-only brand. But this is possible today, by cultivating fans that feel an emotional connection with--and eventually love for--your brand. This is what is takes to drive people to buy a product, come back for more, and tell their friends about it. The old strategy was to broadcast your message to a mass audience through print ads, billboards, or high-priced Super Bowl commercials. Increasingly, consumers are looking to their peers to guide their purchasing decisions, and traditional advertising is being supplanted by more organic modes of communication--word of mouth, social media, and any number of blogs and content sources.

Take a look back in history with the following collection of Arena ads that ran in Swimming World Magazine in the 1970s:

Rebecca Soni looks out from the sidebar of the Swimming World homepage. She's got her hands on her hips, wearing a black racing suit with Arena written in bold across her chest. She's arguably the most visible Arena-sponsored athlete in the United States, with two gold medals and two world records from the London Olympics.

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

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