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2012年5月22日 (火)


最近は 毎日、サクラを見ながら運転note

ピンクの世界は いいですねheart04

昨日の 金環日食が終わり、今日の話題は スカイツリーshineshine


今回 釧路は、 曇り空だったので全く見えなかった”金環日食”

次は 18年後・・・・北海道で見られるという事なので とっても楽しみですheart02

先日から 自宅の周りでは かぁ~~ かぁ~~と、カラスの鳴き声が よく聞こえてました。

いつも うちの目の前の電柱に巣を作っては 電機関係の会社の方に撤去される・・・despair

そんな事を繰り返していたのに 今年もまた 目の前の電柱に巣作りをしちゃいましたsweat01

よーく見ると 斜め前の電柱にもshock

電機の方に見つからずに 元気な赤ちゃんが生まれて欲しいけど~~chick

去年??感電したのか ものスゴイ音で朝、目が覚めましたflairsign01

それを思うと 良いんだか、悪いんだか。。。

そんな私の心配をよそに 口に長~~い楊枝をくわえている紋次郎カラスsign01

夕陽を見ながら あっしには 関わりのねぇ事でござんす

なんて 木枯らし紋次郎の名ゼリフを語ってるのかなぁ~~dashdash

これから雨が降ったり、風が吹いたり 色々大変だけど

何とか無事に 生まれますようにchickheart02

締めが終わり ホッとしましたpc






桜並木に車のないまっすぐな道路・・・北海道だ~~~~~。 いいな~。 帰りたいairplane 病院で北海道出身のそれも釧路出身のかたに会いました。 同じところで働いています。 きっと、イイ人でしょうね

mayu さまribbon そうそう、たま~~に私だけの道路になるのnote とっても贅沢な道ですよheart02 釧路の人がぁ?? それは スゴイ偶然ですね mayuちゃん、いつかおいで~~airplane 美味しい物、いっぱい用意しておくよっheart01restaurant

紋次郎カラス・・・・何だか哀愁を帯びています。 今時期は鳥たちの巣作りの季節ですものね。 雛がかえったら巣の下はdangerですね。 釧路もようやく桜が満開になりましたね

うん。絶対行くよ おいしいものいっぱい用意してねheart02 そんな日が早く来ますようね。

のらねぃさん さまribbon なかなか凛々しい紋次郎さんでしょ よーく見てみると あちらこちらに巣がありますねchick カラスにつつかれないように気をつけますsweat01 サクラにタンポポ。。。緑が増えてきて ルンルンですheart01

mayu さまribbon おばぁちゃんになる前に来てね~airplane アチコチお出かけして 美味しい物いっぱい食べようねheart02 タッパ・・・持ってきてもいいよ~~(笑)

Il nuovo modello e ispirato agli occhiali per alpinisti degli anni Cinquanta, che erano caratterizzati da lenti tondeggianti e montatura in metallo con elementi in pelle per la massima protezione contro la luce.

Media Browser allows you to access your iPhoto libraries and iTunes playlists directly from the Photos and Audio tabs on the Media Browser in Word, PowerPoint, Excel

editing documents with others.

different locations who are using Office 2011 on a Mac or Office 2010 on Windows. (Co-authoring requires Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 for enterprise use, or a

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Il modello unisex, in vendita nei Mykita shop, nelle boutique moncler di tutto il mondo e sul moncler women jackets e-shop (www.moncler.com), e disponibile nel colore kaki con lenti riflettenti marroni, marrone con lenti riflettenti oro e nero con lenti riflettenti argento.

with Microsoft Excel 2010.

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Familiar, intuitive tools

Continua la collaborazione tra Mykita e moncler jackets, per una seconda collezione di occhiali da sole. I primi modelli erano pensati come un omaggio alla montagna, mentre ora il nuovo modello Lionel (da Lionel Terray, in ricordo del primo alpinista che compi le proprie spedizioni con equipaggiamento moncler jackets) e dedicato a un contesto urbano.

Sparklines visually summarizes your data using tiny charts that fit within a cell near its corresponding values. Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 Sparklines is compatible

Il modello unisex, in vendita nei Mykita shop, nelle boutique moncler di tutto il mondo e sul moncler women jackets e-shop (www.moncler.com), e disponibile nel colore kaki con lenti riflettenti marroni, marrone con lenti riflettenti oro e nero con lenti riflettenti argento.

Charts and SmartArt gives you dozens of SmartArt layouts from more than 130 diagram layouts, ranging from organization charts to lists, processes and relationship

Visual styles provide you with consistent formatting that is easy to apply.

Create great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Communicate and share with family, friends, and colleagues, whether they're on Macs or PCs. And access

editing documents with others.

different locations who are using Office 2011 on a Mac or Office 2010 on Windows. (Co-authoring requires Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 for enterprise use, or a

your files whenever you need them, using any computer with a web browser and the free Office Web Apps.

Familiar, intuitive tools

The RHA CA-200 headphones come with a 3 Year warranty as standard, for a sub $30 pair of headphones this is a great reassurance that you are actually getting a quality product. I am very impressed by the sound quality offered by these headphones, value for money is an understatement! The plastic construction is a necessary evil in regards to keeping production costs down and making the CA-200's light and comfortable. I have a similar pair of Sennheiser HD 407 headphones (slightly cheaper at $26) that I thought were impressive for their price but the RHA CA-200's literally blow them out of the water, and in addition to that the CA-200's have a detachable cable, so it's win win all round.

The good doctor invited several Olympians to grab a free pair of Beats done up in their home country’s colors, similar to the British Beats you see above. Olympians, having fine taste in headphones themselves, gladly took the Beats crew up on the offer. Ever since, pictures have been popping up of the iconic headphones on the ears and around the necks of athletes from Great Britain, China, and some 20 other countries.

If Beats were already super popular before the Olympics, I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like after they are over. It’s one thing to see high-profile professional athletes rock the Beats, but the buying public seeing them represented by many a national hero is taking it to another level.

And we can expect high-jive jinks from surprise dance star, loveable Lisa Riley, who's already dropped three dress sizes in just a few weeks.

I'll also be breathing new life into my old overcoats with the simple addition of a belt. Cinch in your waist with a black or metallic belt for a chic silhouette - very A/W12. Or let Dorothy Perkins do it for you - its khaki coat with gold buckle is £59... and totally gorgeous.

I'll also be breathing new life into my old overcoats with the simple addition of a belt. Cinch in your waist with a black or metallic belt for a chic silhouette - very A/W12. Or let Dorothy Perkins do it for you - its khaki coat with gold buckle is £59... and totally gorgeous.

The perfect winter coat needs to feel cosy, which rules out a cropped biker jacket (too draughty around the middle), versatile enough for work and weekends, so that neon yellow shearling jacket might not work day in, day out. And, above all, it needs to be warm, which rules out the cape (bare arms? No way).

It's roomy enough to accommodate those knitwear layers in comfort, but with oversize proportions up top, be sure to keep it skinny down below. It'll look super-stylish with opaque tights and knee-high boots.

As far as functionality is concerned the RHA CA-200 Black Headphones deliver on their marketing promise. The fabric braided detachable 3.5mm stereo cable adds a unique touch that you won't find in many headphones at this price point. The range of adjustment, along with the pivoting ear cups, ensure that these headphones will fit just about any size of head. The ear pads are somewhere between over ear and on ear (RHA call it 'around ear') and provide a satisfactory level of noise isolation while also preventing sound leakage.

If Beats were already super popular before the Olympics, I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like after they are over. It’s one thing to see high-profile professional athletes rock the Beats, but the buying public seeing them represented by many a national hero is taking it to another level.

Quilted coats are having a fashion moment again thanks to Moncler's and Peter Pilotto's luxurious down-filled versions. For hard-to-beat value, practicality and guaranteed toastiness on the high street, check out the padded down coats at Uniqlo and Zara.

Hint: it’s the one that’s winning the gold medal for success outside the Olympics, too.

Headphones are for more than just hearing your music or taking a call on your mobile ? these days, they’re a fashion statement. And there’s no lack of options when it comes to color, size and design. Of course, sound quality and price are key factors, too. Whether you’re looking for a top-notch set (there are a lot of good ones in this gallery) or something that makes a statement (we listed colorful and bling-y ones, too), we’ve got you covered.

Important: In this section I am going to write a brief five point summary on the following categories; Performance, Appearance, Construction, Functionality and Value. These views are my own and help me to give the RHA CA-200 Black Headphones a rating out of 10. A high or low score does not necessarily mean that they are better or worse than a similar set of headphones that have been reviewed by another writer here at Benchmark Reviews, which may have got a higher or lower score. It is however a good indicator of whether the CA-200 Black Noise Isolating Headphones are good or not. I would strongly urge you to read the entire review, if you have not already, so that you can make an educated decision for yourself.

Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Take Center Stage at London 2012 Olympics

As of October 2012 the RHA CA-200 Noise Isolating Headphones are available for $29.95 (Amazon) / £29.99 (Amazon UK). The RHA CA-200 Black headphones represent outstanding value for money, and with a 3 year warranty as standard you can't really go wrong.

SOL headphones might be music to Michael Phelps’ ears, but another headphone brand has really taken the gold medal at the London Olympics.

If you have the chance to, I would urge you to give the RHA CA-200 Noise Isolating Headphone a try. If not, and you are looking to buy a inexpensive set of headphones, then these deserve a place on your shortlist.

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