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2011年10月28日 (金)


連日の青空のおかげで 気持ちがとっても元気になれますsun

朝晩の暖房は 欠かせなくなってきたけれど~まだ セーターを着なくても平気な感じhappy01

点々の雲。。。cloud cloud cloud 

風に揺られて フワフワ~~note


次男が キャベツ あったよね~って。

その後 キャベツの枚数を数え、色々なものを計ったりして ボウルに入れて混ぜ混ぜしてる~smile

で、ココで 私はまたお出かけしたのですが~~


なんと、美味しそうなお好み焼きが 何枚も焼かれていましたぁheart01

それで 親の分にはラップがかかっていたので 私は夕飯がわりにいただきましたよ~pigrestaurant

ワガママな私は ソースまで次男に作ってもらい、食べるだけの人wink

実は、お肉が苦手なんですけど・・・お好み焼きの上には 大きな豚肉が2枚も~shock

さっき 次男に聞かれましたあっ、豚肉って食べれないんだった~~

それで私は pigお好み焼きのなら 大丈夫~~

前回、初めて作ってくれたときは 生地の中に切った豚肉が入っていましたが

今回は 上にどーーーーんsign01sign01

なかなかのセンスだわ~smileと思いつつ 残さず しっかり完食しました

子供の好き嫌いが無いように 親が色々工夫をするなら分かるけど・・・

今回は 子供の作品により 親が苦手な豚肉を食べられましたとさbell(笑)

興味があることは 上達が早いですね


ついつい見とれて 車を止めてしまいましたheart02

もうすぐ日が沈んで 今日が終わりmoon3

夜は 思いがけず遠くに住んでいるお友達からのmobilephoneがあって とっても嬉しい週末でしたhappy01

明日は 登山って言ってたような・・・・

同じ日本でも 関東の方では まだ山に登れたりするんですねfuji

みなさんの週末は どこかにお出かけしたりするのかなぁ~note






あのぉ~~ 次男くんとお友達からの交際 お願いします!!

くみさん、こんばんは! 次男くんって、器用だね~!!flair ひょっとして、将来はシェフ??restaurantbar これを見て、またお好み焼きを食べたくなりました♪heart02 もち、焼きそば入り豚玉だよ~!

何と優しい息子さんでしょう 料理が出来る男子は、もてますよ~ 我が家にも出前お願いします

いい子だね~! 育て方がいいんだね? 親の分・・・すみません、親分と読んでいました。 まぁ~久美ちゃん、親分には間違いないと思うけど・・・・

こたろうはは さまribbon エッと・・・今って”年の差婚”が流行ってますけど~bell 万が一ですが。。私がハハのお姑さんになる事だけは ご勘弁下さいね(笑)

Marcy さまribbon はい、今は好きでやってますけど~。。 色々なことに興味を持つお年頃なので どうなるかなぁ~って思ってみてました そうそう、焼きそば入りのお好み焼きって 想像しただけでも ジュル~~っheart01 今度、リクエストしてみますpigrestaurant

のらねぃさん さまribbon もてる そんな単語を次男に言ったら。。。 毎日 作ってくれるかもしれません(笑) 北見まで~~dashdashちょこっと冷えちゃいますが 大丈夫ですかぁ~restaurantheart02

ぐうたらmama さまribbon 今だけかもしれませんけど~sweat01 とっても助かってます ”親分”って、ウケちゃいましたぁ~(笑) ちなみに 私にとっての親分は・・・ママですよheart02 ママは みんなの大親分ですもんね

Additionally, she beat director Erika Bay by only $5 zillion. The filmmaker, estimated to have attained $160 million, came in at Simply no. 2 thanks to this success Transformers: Dark of the Moon and related toys, of which he takes the main profits. He's also not supposed to make as much cash next year, with only the somewhat low-budget movie Pain Gain beingshown to people there.

Rounding out the top five was Dr. Dre, who earned $110 trillion. Last year, HTC paid $300 million to get a 51 percent stake within the record producer's Beats by simply Dr. Dre headphones company, which he co-founded inside 2006 with Interscope primary Jimmy Iovine.

PHOTOS: Oprah Through the Many years

But next year, Forbes said, it won't be including some of Winfrey's syndication money, meaning she could eliminate her No. 1 spot.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

Rounding out the best five was Dr. Dre, who earned $110 thousand. Last year, HTC paid $300 million to get a 51 percent stake inside record producer's Beats by Dr. Dre headphones company, which he co-founded with 2006 with Interscope chief Jimmy Iovine.

Coming in at Zero. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million because of residuals from his basic films, his cut of priced sales at Universal Galleries amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings as well as his fees for directing.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Top Earners

Oprah Winfrey's Annual Earnings Visit $125 Million, Says Forbes

Coming in at Not any. 3 was Steven Spielberg, estimated to have made $130 million as a result of residuals from his classic films, his cut of citation sales at Universal Companies amusement park, his DreamWorks earnings along with his fees for guiding.

Biondi and Soni are a generation apart, and they represent the history and present of a brand vying to top Speedo as the number one swim-related company in the US market.

The new model will feature LED headlights, eight-inch touch screen infotainment display, eight-spoke alloy wheels, Cloud connectivity and technology that will allow customers to book dealer service appointments.

Many shifts, little time

Qoros, the new Chinese car brand, has revealed its new small C-segment saloon GQ3, which will be heading to Europe later this year.

The future (and present) of building a following

The new brand is a joint venture between Chery Automobile, China's largest independent car manufacturer, and Israel Corporation, a globally acting industry holding company.

In 1973, Arena signed Mark Spitz and Australian Olympian Shane Gould to its first Arena Elite Team. In the following decade Arena sponsored an impressive collection of World Champions including: Mark Spitz (USA), Novella Calligaris (ITA), Steve Furniss (USA), David Wilke (UK), Shirley Babashoff (USA), Gary Hall (USA), Klaus Dibiasi (ITA), Ulrika Knape (SWE) and Maxine "Miki" King (USA).

What's making things even more interesting is that the power of communication does not stop at brand discovery. On the flip side, the social era is building public forums for criticism and holding companies more accountable for their claims than ever before. Because consumers can sense an inauthentic brand a mile a way, companies must live by their core principles and go above and beyond expectations for sound business practices.

Consumers today have more choices and more power to support companies that give them something to love. It's not just about access, convenience, or outstanding customer service anymore; these are requirements for brands and are increasingly taken for granted. People are now seeking brands that fit with their values and give them something to believe in--plus the best quality and price on the market.

Take a look back in history with the following collection of Arena ads that ran in Swimming World Magazine in the 1970s:
