
« 密着取材!? | メイン | 朝から戦い! »

2010年7月31日 (土)


今朝は sunが出ている間に 猛ダッシュでお洗濯sweat01

しっかりと干してから お出かけしましたぁrvcarnote

お天気が悪くて部屋干しが続くと なかなか気持ちよく乾かないんですよねdespair

今日は ココでBPさんと待ち合わせ~heart01

世界一 釧路サンマshine

あっ、この看板は 回転寿司のお店ですが~~
私達は このお向かいにあるミスドへ行きましたぁhappy01

な~んか最近 よく利用しちゃうbell

甘いものはあるし コーヒー&カフェオレは おかわり自由だし

久しぶりに会ったMちゃん それにしても いっぱいお話しましたよね
おトイレに行く時間も 惜しかった感じですよ(笑)

やっぱり私pig お客様やBPさんと会ってる時が 1番元気かも
これからやりたい事の 妄想劇は 誰も止められないし~wink

とは言っても 住之江グループの中では 比較的 冷静なMちゃん
本日は 何点かの暴走を未然に防いでくれて とっても感謝してますよheart02

販社へ行く頃には sunも しょぼしょぼ・・・

雲の隙間から ちょこっと見えるくらいになってました。

今日の予定を全部終え 心身の疲れをとってもらうため 整体へ・・・rvcar

終わる10分前に滑り込んで 着替えも急いでなんとかセーフdespair

先日から 出っ張ってるしっぽ(仙骨)dash


友人に話したら 大丈夫だよ~コレから”しっぽ”が流行るって~とか
マルの個性だから いいじゃんとか・・・despair


それで 整体の先生には 今日から ヒップアップ体操をしましょ~って言われたし

そんなに落ちてる 昔とあんまり変わってないと思うんだけどなぁ~sad

けど、このまま しっぽが進化しちゃ~困るので 今夜から頑張りますよ(^^;)



こうして見ると 色んな大きさの 色んな形が集まって1つのお花になってるんですねlovely

おーーーーっsweat01 写したいお花の中心がずれてしまいましたぁshock
なぜなら この周りには クモの巣がワンサカsweat01sweat01sweat01

クモの巣の主に会う前に 逃げなくちゃ~rundashdash

明日から8月 いよいよ夏本番ですね~sun





>これからやりたい事の 妄想劇は 誰も止められないし~ いいのよ~思い切って突っ走って! 目標が出来た時は 行動あるのみだね?

おぅ~~。 mamaが遅くまで起きてる わたしもリンパの先生から普段の姿勢をとにかく正せ!!って言われます。 肩を落として胃の下あたりを引き上げる感じで上に上に・・・! 歩くときは後ろの足を伸ばす。 そうするとお尻も硬くなるらしいよshine

ぐうたらmama さまribbon はいpig きっと~また壁にぶつかったり コケたり すると思うけど・・・ マズは 行ってきま~す

こたろうはは サマribbon ハハもなんですねsweat01 やっぱり 日常の姿勢って とても大切みたいで。。。 私は 足を組むのがクセですが ココも要注意でしたdanger 歩く時は。。。了解しました 一日も早く プリっとしたおけちゅになるように 頑張りま~す ハハも・・・ねっheart02

6uIUZp Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!...

Honestly, not bad news!...

Hooray! the one who wrote is a cool guy..!

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!...

Of course, I understand a little about this post but will try cope with it!!...

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!...

Gripping! I would like to listen to the experts` views on the subject!!...

Sent the first post, but it wasn`t published. I am writing the second. It's me, the African tourist.

Comrade kill yourself.

Edidn`t think about that. I'll tell my mother, she won`t believe it..!

Hooray! the one who wrote is a cool guy..!

The author deserves for the monument:D

Sometimes I also see something like this, but earlier I didn`t pay much attention to this!...

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:DD

The topic is pretty complicated for a beginner!....

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from itソスto relax and read the information written here:DD

Yet, much is unclear. Could you describe in more details!....

I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

Pleased to read intelligent thoughts in Russian. I`ve been living in England for already 5 years!...

Well, actually, a lot of what you write is not quite true !... well, okay, it does not matter:D

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

Thanks a lot! An extremely interesting comment!!....

I read and feel at home. Thanks the creators for a good resource..!!

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!

The Author is crazy..!!

Post brought me to think, went to mull over!!....

Totally agree with you, about a week ago wrote about the same in my blog..!!

A mio parere, si sono errati. Sono in grado di provarlo. Scrivere a me in PM.

As I have expected, the writer blurted out..!!

Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I'm sorry, I'm just 13 years old!...

Gripping! I would like to listen to the experts` views on the subject!!....

Edidn`t think about that. I'll tell my mother, she won`t believe it..!

Totally agree with you, about a week ago wrote about the same in my blog..!!

The author deserves for the monument:DD

I am glad that your blog is constantly evolving. Such posts only gain in popularity!....

Yeah, in my opinion, it is written on every fence!!....

Thank you, a very interesting note!!....

I consider, that you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

I`m so grateful that you enlightened me and the most important thing that it happened in time. Just think, I have been using the internet for six years already but it`s the first time I`ve ever heard about it!....

Cool! You have answered. I'll take a quote! The meaning of life and everything else. Decided. No kidding!...

This article is for professionals..!

Comrade kill yourself..

This article is for professionals..!!

Thanks:) Cool topic, write more often! You manage with it perfctly:D

Hello! How do you feel about young composers?!...
