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2007年10月31日 (水)


今日は販社長研修で東京に来ています(*^o^*)今日は新製品 フェアリーデュウ の研究員塚本梓さんの生の声で説明聞きました(^o^)/
お肌のデトックス 素晴らしい商品です 期待してて下さいね(^o^)/





販社でみんな様の集合写真見ました!! 副社長様の笑顔!!降格の上がりに乾杯!! この徳本販社長と一緒に移ってる方が 塚本研究員ですか?? デュウ最高です

あ、口角の漢字変換間違えて えらいことなってる・・・ すみません!!!!!!! 降格→口角の間違いです

パー子ちゃんコメントありがとう 只今練習中だよんheart04

g4gPSa Major thankies for the post.Really thank you! Awesome.

A big thank you for your blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!!

I truly appreciate this blog.Thanks Again. Really Cool.

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!!

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Im grateful for the blog article.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

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I loved your blog article.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

Fresh thoughts, fresh view on the subject..!!

Really appreciate you sharing this article. Really Cool.

A unique note..!!

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Great blog article. Really Great.

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However, the author created a cool thing..!!

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Im grateful for the blog post. Really Great.

Say, you got a nice blog.Thanks Again. Great.

Excellent! Got a real pleasure..!!

Say, you got a nice blog. Will read on...

Sent the first post, but it wasn`t published. I am writing the second. It's me, the African tourist..

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A big thank you for your blog.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.

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Comrade kill yourself..

Fantastic blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.

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Major thankies for the post.Thanks Again. Great.

As I have expected, the writer blurted out..!!

Very good article post.Really thank you! Great.

Good post! Found a lot of new and interesting! Will share the link with others:DD

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I truly appreciate this blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.

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I loved your blog article. Keep writing.

I really enjoy the blog article.Really looking forward to read more.

I really liked your blog post. Cool.
